Re: Intent to implement: Touchpad event

2014-09-11 Thread smaug
If we just needs new coordinates, couldn't we extend the existing event interfaces with some new properties? -Olli On 09/12/2014 12:52 AM, smaug wrote: > What would be the event types for touchpad events? > We must not add yet another types of events to handle pointer typ

Re: Intent to implement: Touchpad event

2014-09-11 Thread smaug
On 09/11/2014 08:26 PM, Chris Peterson wrote: On 9/11/14 3:49 AM, Mounir Lamouri wrote: On Thu, 11 Sep 2014, at 18:26, Ms2ger wrote: First of all, you neglected to explain the standardization situation here. Is this feature being standardized? If not, why not? How do other browser vendors feel

Re: Intent to ship: Web Speech API - Speech Recognition with Pocketsphinx

2014-10-30 Thread smaug
On 10/31/2014 02:21 AM, smaug wrote: Intent to ship is too strong for this. We need to first have implementation landed and tested ;) I wouldn't ship the implementation in desktop FF without plenty of more testing. But I guess the question is what people think about shipping the pocket

Re: Intent to ship: Web Speech API - Speech Recognition with Pocketsphinx

2014-10-30 Thread smaug
Intent to ship is too strong for this. We need to first have implementation landed and tested ;) I wouldn't ship the implementation in desktop FF without plenty of more testing. -Olli On 10/31/2014 01:18 AM, Andre Natal wrote: I've been researching speech recognition in Firefox for two year

Profiling on Linux

2014-11-13 Thread smaug
Hi all, looks like Zoom profiler[1] is now free. It has rather good UI on top of oprofile/rrprofile making profiling quite easy. I've found it easier to use than Gecko profiler and it gives different kinds of views to the same data. However it does lack the JS specific bits Gecko profiler has.

Re: Profiling on Linux

2014-11-13 Thread smaug
On 11/13/2014 08:01 PM, smaug wrote: Hi all, looks like Zoom profiler[1] is now free. It has rather good UI on top of oprofile/rrprofile perf/oprofile/rrprofile making profiling quite easy. I've found it easier to use than Gecko profiler and it gives different kinds of views to the

Re: Profiling on Linux

2014-11-13 Thread smaug
ere: On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:03 PM, smaug wrote: On 11/13/2014 08:01 PM, smaug wrote: Hi all, looks like Zoom profiler[1] is now free. It has rather good UI on top of oprofile/rrprofile perf/oprofile/rrprofile making

Re: after NPAPI ?

2014-11-25 Thread smaug
On 11/25/2014 05:45 PM, Reuben Morais wrote: On Nov 25, 2014, at 13:22, Gijs Kruitbosch wrote: On 25/11/2014 14:22, wrote: I need to get the audio sample data and do some math on it, then play it in the speaker, with the minimum of latency (arround 20ms). Only the wasapi d

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-12-25 Thread smaug
On 12/23/2014 11:59 PM, Martin Thomson wrote: On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 1:51 PM, L. David Baron wrote: Just to be clear, is your problem the implicit conversion itself or the reference count increment/decrement? The latter -- the problem is that there's an implicit conversion that has surpris

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-12-25 Thread smaug
On 12/25/2014 11:22 PM, smaug wrote: On 12/23/2014 11:59 PM, Martin Thomson wrote: On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 1:51 PM, L. David Baron wrote: Just to be clear, is your problem the implicit conversion itself or the reference count increment/decrement? The latter -- the problem is that there&#

Re: Getting rid of already_AddRefed?

2014-12-26 Thread smaug
On 12/26/2014 03:08 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote: On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 11:10 PM, Jeff Muizelaar wrote: Possible solutions would be to: - remove implicit conversions to T* If this were done, I think we should change the calling convention for functions that take pointers to refcounted classes.

Re: Intent to ship: MouseEvent.offsetX/Y

2015-03-01 Thread smaug
On 02/28/2015 05:25 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote: On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Jeff Muizelaar wrote: On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote: Oh, another issue is that I've followed the spec and made offsetX/Y doubles, whereas Blink is integers, which introduces a small a

2015-03-01 Thread smaug
On 03/02/2015 01:11 AM, Xidorn Quan wrote: On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 3/1/15 5:04 PM, Xidorn Quan wrote: Hence I think we should remove this method. All callees should use either AssignLiteral(MOZ_UTF16("some string")), or, if don't want to bloat the binary, expl

2015-03-02 Thread smaug
no runtime penalty. But this is false." Can we somehow make use of nsDependentString easier? (not that I think it is hard. The name is just a bit long) -Olli -Jeff On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 7:04 PM, smaug wrote: On 03/02/2015 01:11 AM, Xidorn Quan wrote: On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 9:50 AM

Re: SpiderMonkey and XPConnect style changing from |T *p| to |T* p|

2015-03-29 Thread smaug
On 03/28/2015 02:32 AM, Nicolas B. Pierron wrote: On 03/27/2015 11:51 PM, Bobby Holley wrote: On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Mats Palmgren wrote: So let's change the project-wide coding rules instead to allow 99 columns as the hard limit, but keep 80 columns as the recommended (soft) limit.

Re: Proposal to ban the usage of refcounted objects inside C++ lambdas in Gecko

2015-04-10 Thread smaug
On 04/10/2015 09:09 PM, Seth Fowler wrote: On Apr 10, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: I would like to propose that we should ban the usage of refcounted objects inside lambdas in Gecko. Here is the reason: Consider the following code: nsINode* myNode; TakeLambda([&]() { myNode->Fo

Re: Treeherder UI performance much worse in Nightly vs Chrome

2015-04-26 Thread smaug
On 04/23/2015 07:43 AM, Ed Morley wrote: Scrolling fluidity/general app responsiveness of Treeherder is massively worse in Nightly compared to Chrome. eg try this in both: The problem is even more noticeable when the "get next 50" button

Re: Enabling Pointer Events in Firefox (desktop) Nightly

2015-04-29 Thread smaug
On 04/24/2015 08:57 PM, Matt Brubeck wrote: tl;dr: We plan to enable Pointer Events for mouse and pen input in Firefox Nightly builds within the next few weeks. Background: Pointer Events is a W3C recommendation that defines new DOM events for unified handling of mouse, touch, and pen input.

Re: W3C Proposed Recommendation: Pointer Events

2015-04-29 Thread smaug
On 01/16/2015 04:31 AM, L. David Baron wrote: On Tuesday 2015-01-06 15:14 -0800, L. David Baron wrote: W3C recently published the following proposed recommendation (the stage before W3C's final stage, Recommendation): Pointer Events There's a call for

Use of 'auto'

2015-06-02 Thread smaug
Hi all, there was some discussion in #developers about use of 'auto' earlier today. Some people seem to like it, and some, like I, don't. The reasons why I try to avoid using it and usually ask to replace it with the actual type when I'm reviewing a patch using it are: - It makes the code hard

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug
On 06/04/2015 01:07 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote: Part of my world domination plans are to turn warnings into something that causes test to actually fail (see bug 1080457 & co). Would you like to join forces? Turning warnings into failures sounds odd (but bug 1080457 seems to be actually

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug
On 06/04/2015 09:52 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote: On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 5:38 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote: Usually I use NS_WARNING to mean "something weird and unexpected is happening, e.g. a bug in Web page code, but not necessarily a browser bug". Sometimes I get useful hints from NS_WARNING spew

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug
On 06/05/2015 12:06 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote: On 06/04/2015 01:18 PM, smaug wrote: More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro users to use something else, and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is. I agree -- I posted about switching to something opt-in

Re: Intent to remove: support for old drag events

2015-06-09 Thread smaug
On 06/09/2015 05:17 PM, Neil Deakin wrote: In bug 1162050, we'd like to remove support for the old non-standard drag events, which were left in for a period of compatibility. yes please. Anything we can do to simplify dnd code is good. -Olli The 'draggesture' event should be replaced with

Re: Browser API: iframe.executeScript()

2015-06-16 Thread smaug
What is the context where the scripts would run? In the page or something more like a TabChildGlobal (the child side of a message manager) but without chrome privileges? On 06/16/2015 06:24 PM, Paul Rouget wrote: In bug 1174733, I'm proposing a patch to implement the equivalent of Google's we

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-06-18 Thread smaug
On 06/02/2015 11:56 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote: On 06/02/2015 12:58 PM, smaug wrote: So, I'd like to understand why people think 'auto' is a good thing to use. (bz mentioned it having some use inside bindings' codegenerator, and sure, I can see that being rather valid case.

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-06-18 Thread smaug
On 06/02/2015 11:56 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote: On 06/02/2015 12:58 PM, smaug wrote: So, I'd like to understand why people think 'auto' is a good thing to use. (bz mentioned it having some use inside bindings' codegenerator, and sure, I can see that being rather valid case.

Re: Modifying Element.prototype for all globals

2015-06-18 Thread smaug
On 06/18/2015 03:37 PM, Frederik Braun wrote: Hi, I am planning to do a little analysis of FxOS Gaia to identify instances of innerHTML assignments at runtime[1]. I am hoping this gives me a more precise number about hot paths (in contrast to just looking at the source code). What kind of info

Re: Intent to ship Notification API on Web Workers

2015-06-30 Thread smaug
yes, please! On 06/30/2015 06:46 AM, wrote: Hello, Target release: Firefox 41 Implementation and shipping bug: Specification: Gecko already implements support for the Notif

Re: xulrunner 31, swt 4.5, ZOOM

2015-07-03 Thread smaug
On 07/03/2015 10:27 AM, wrote: Hi, I have an SWT application that uses a browser to display HTML pages. Latest SWT 4.5 now support XulRunner v31, but something has changed: zoom is not working anymore. It was working before with SWT 4.4 and XulRunner v10. I have no

Re: Busy indicator API

2015-07-05 Thread smaug
On 07/05/2015 06:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote: A while back there have been some requests from developers (seconded by those working on GitHub) to have an API to indicate whether a site is busy with one thing or another (e.g. networking). They'd like to use this to avoid having to create their

Re: Mutations from Parser handled after DOMContentLoaded?

2015-07-06 Thread smaug
On 07/06/2015 10:33 PM, Zibi Braniecki wrote: Hi all, I have a question about MO behavior. From what I understand, MutationObserver API is designed in a way that is supposed to guarantee two things that I need: 1) That if I have a MO set on the document during readyState=loading, then all co

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-07 Thread smaug
As someone who spends more than 50% of working time doing reviews I'm strongly against this proposal. aFoo helps with readability - reader knows immediately when the code is dealing with arguments. -Olli On 07/07/2015 06:12 AM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: I propose that we stop recommending the uni

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-07 Thread smaug
On 07/07/2015 10:55 PM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Honza Bambas wrote: On 7/7/2015 21:27, Jeff Gilbert wrote: On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 4:54 AM, Honza Bambas wrote: I'm strongly against removing the prefix. I got used to this and it has its meaning all the time I

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-07 Thread smaug
On 07/07/2015 11:18 PM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1:03 PM, smaug wrote: As someone who spends more than 50% of working time doing reviews I'm strongly against this proposal. aFoo helps with readability - reader knows immediately when the code is dealing with argu

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-07 Thread smaug
On 07/07/2015 11:45 PM, Milan Sreckovic wrote: Removing the style guide for “prefix function arguments with a” will not preclude people from naming a variable aFoo. At least the current style guide precludes people from naming non-function arguments that way, albeit indirectly. I’m trying to

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-08 Thread smaug
On 07/08/2015 04:05 AM, Milan Sreckovic wrote: Jeff encouraged me to add more things to this thread, so I’m blaming him. So, some random thoughts. After getting paid to write code for 20+ years and then showing up at Mozilla, and seeing the a prefix, I thought “this is brilliant, how come we

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-08 Thread smaug
Do you actually have any data how many % of Gecko devs would prefer not using aFoo? I mean it makes no sense to change to foo, if most of the devs prefer aFoo. Similarly I would stop objecting the change if majority of the devs say "yes, please change this coding style which Mozilla has had forev

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-08 Thread smaug
On 07/07/2015 11:34 PM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: Outvars are good candidates for having markings in the variable name. `aFoo` for all arguments is a poor solution for this, though. On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1:22 PM, smaug wrote: On 07/07/2015 11:18 PM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1

Re: Busy indicator API

2015-07-13 Thread smaug
On 07/13/2015 01:50 PM, Richard Barnes wrote: On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 5:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote: A while back there have been some requests from developers (seconded by those working on GitHub) to have an API to indicate whether a site is busy with one thing or another (e.g. networking).

Re: Switch to Google C++ Style Wholesale (was Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++)

2015-07-14 Thread smaug
On 07/14/2015 08:11 PM, Martin Thomson wrote: On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote: That being said, every other organizations in the world is using the same or similar tools and is faced with similar challenges. Lack of a commit-skipping feature doesn't hinder other organizati

Re: Proposal to remove `aFoo` prescription from the Mozilla style guide for C and C++

2015-07-15 Thread smaug
On 07/16/2015 01:47 AM, Jeff Gilbert wrote: On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 7:55 AM, Thomas Zimmermann wrote: The discussion has a number of good points in favor of using 'a', but I missed convincing arguments in favor of not using 'a'. Are there any? I don't consider "I don't get what 'a' is good for

Re: Intent to implement HTMLMediaElement.srcObject partially

2015-07-15 Thread smaug
On 07/15/2015 10:42 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: Hi, We intend to un-prefix HTMLMediaElement.srcObject (it currently exists as HTMLMediaElement.mozSrcObject), even though it only supports a subset of the types mandated in the spec. [1] It is a bit unfortunate to expose the property without su

Re: large memory allocations / resource consumption in crashtests?

2015-07-27 Thread smaug
On 07/27/2015 04:07 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: On 2015-07-27 5:35 AM, Karl Tomlinson wrote: Is anything done between crashtests to clean up memory use? There isn't, AFAIK. Or can CC be triggered to run during or after a particular crashtest? You can use SimpleTest.forceGC/CC() as needed. D

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-08-02 Thread smaug
think even in that case auto doesn't help with readability, but I can live with use of auto there.) -Olli On 06/02/2015 10:58 PM, smaug wrote: Hi all, there was some discussion in #developers about use of 'auto' earlier today. Some people seem to like it, and some, like I, don

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-08-02 Thread smaug
On 08/02/2015 01:47 PM, Xidorn Quan wrote: On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 7:57 PM, Kyle Huey wrote: On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 2:56 AM, Hubert Figuière wrote: On 02/08/15 04:55 AM, smaug wrote: A new type of error 'auto' seems to cause, now seen on m-i, is auto foo = new SomeRefCountedFo

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-08-02 Thread smaug
On 08/02/2015 02:34 PM, Hubert Figuière wrote: On 02/08/15 07:17 AM, smaug wrote: Probably we should generally avoid using constructor directly for those cases. Instead, use helper functions like MakeUnique() or MakeAndAddRef(), which is much safer. MakeAndAddRef would have the same problem

Intent to Ship: Shadow DOM and Custom Elements

2018-08-10 Thread smaug
I'm planning to keep Shadow DOM and Custom Elements turned on on beta/release builds. Target release is Firefox 63. prefs are dom.webcomponents.customelements.enabled and dom.webcomponents.shadowdom.enabled. Custom elements has been enabled in Nightly since January and Shadow DOM since late Ma

Re: Intent to Ship: Shadow DOM and Custom Elements

2018-08-15 Thread smaug
sk breaking web sites, but there isn't too much we can do other than trying to ship. David On 10 August 2018 at 15:49, smaug wrote: I'm planning to keep Shadow DOM and Custom Elements turned on on beta/release builds. Target release is Firefox 63. prefs are dom.webcomponents.c

Some of the Phabricator review requests don't show up in Bugzilla dashboard

2018-08-15 Thread smaug
Hi all, I think it is good to let people know that some of the review requests in Phabricator don't show up in Bugzilla. So, if some review seems to take too much time, better to ping the requestee. -Olli

Re: Intent to Ship: Shadow DOM and Custom Elements

2018-08-15 Thread smaug
On 08/15/2018 06:06 PM, wrote: On Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 5:56:06 AM UTC-5, smaug wrote: On 08/15/2018 01:54 PM, smaug wrote: On 08/14/2018 09:43 PM, darin wrote: When it ships in version 63 will shadowdom and webcomponent be shipped disabled or enabled by

Re: Extending the length of an XPCOM string when writing to it via a raw pointer

2018-08-30 Thread smaug
On 08/30/2018 11:21 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote: We have the following that a pattern in our code base: 1) SetCapacity(newCapacity) is called on an XPCOM string. 2) A pointer obtained from BeginWriting() is used for writing more than Length() but no more than newCapacity code units to the XPCOM

Re: Plan for Sunsetting MozReview

2018-09-08 Thread smaug
On 09/05/2018 06:40 AM, Kris Maglione wrote: On Tue, Sep 04, 2018 at 07:37:28PM +0200, Dão Gottwald wrote: This may have been discussed before since it's kind of an obvious question: Was there a conscious decision not to post phabricator review comments to bugzilla? It's a somewhat significant

Re: Browser Architecture Newsletter #7 (S02E02)

2018-09-20 Thread smaug
On 09/19/2018 08:34 PM, Nicholas Alexander wrote: 2. Making the main browser window be an HTML document with (mostly) HTML DOM elements instead of a XUL document with (mostly) XUL DOM elements. It is still mystery to me how the performance can be anywhere close to XUL when starting br

Re: Browser Architecture Newsletter #7 (S02E02)

2018-09-20 Thread smaug
On 09/20/2018 04:21 PM, Mike Hommey wrote: On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 12:18:49PM +0300, smaug wrote: On 09/19/2018 08:34 PM, Nicholas Alexander wrote: 2. Making the main browser window be an HTML document with (mostly) HTML DOM elements instead of a XUL document with (mostly) XUL DOM

Disabling document.createEvent("TouchEvent"), document.createTouch* and ontouch* event handlers on desktop

2019-03-06 Thread smaug
Hi all, I'm trying to disable document.createEvent("TouchEvent"), document.createTouch* and ontouch* event handlers on desktop in order to follow what has been done in other browsers. See The issue is that some web pages use those features to

MOZ_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE environment variable

2019-03-06 Thread smaug
Hi all, looks like I didn't send email about, IMO, rather useful environment variable [1]: MOZ_ALLOW_DOWNGRADE does the same thing as --allow-downgrade passed to firefox, bypasses the profile downgrade protection. (At least I need to bypass that all the time when testing various local and/or n

Intent to implement & ship: queueMicrotask

2019-05-24 Thread smaug
Summary: queueMicrotask exposes the platform primitive to queue microtasks. Without the API, web pages have used hacks around MutationObserver or Promise. Bug: Link to standard:

Of writing asynchronous tests

2019-09-24 Thread smaug
Hi all, during the past year, while optimizing page load by changing how various tasks within Gecko are scheduled, intermittently failing tests have often caused trouble and required fixes to them or occasionally disabling them. Now with Fission we are seeing even more issues and we will do pa

Re: Range-based for and STL-style iterators for nsClassHashtable, nsDataHashtable, nsInterfaceHashtable

2019-10-02 Thread smaug
And as with other data structures, be careful with modifications when using range-based for. We had plenty of crash issue with nsTArray + range-based for when we started to use it. -Olli On 10/2/19 1:15 PM, Simon Giesecke wrote: Hi, I recently [1] added STL-style iterators and begin/cbegin/

Re: Finding windows and docshells leaked until shutdown

2019-10-03 Thread smaug
On 10/3/19 1:18 AM, Andrew McCreight wrote: On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 2:35 PM Geoff Lankow wrote: Hi all, I need some advice. I'm trying to enable Mochitest on debug builds of Thunderbird. It works fine, except for the leak check, which finds a number of leaked windows and docshells. Obviously w

Of writing asynchronous tests

2019-10-16 Thread smaug
Hi all, during the past year, while optimizing page load by changing how various tasks within Gecko are scheduled, intermittently failing tests have often caused trouble and required fixes to them or occasionally disabling them. Now with Fission we are seeing even more issues and we will do pa

Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?

2019-10-28 Thread smaug
On 10/24/19 9:17 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote: On Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 6:46:08 AM UTC+11, Christopher Manchester wrote: As announced in this week's project call, sccache-dist schedulers have been deployed to mozilla offices, and those with hardware available can enroll servers based on the

Re: Firefox Profiler now supports recording IPC messages

2019-10-30 Thread smaug
FWIW, apparently the UI is in the devtools profiler UI, not in the profiler addon. still tells users to install the addon from there. I was told that one can get the button similar to the addon by enabling devtools.performance.popup.enabled boolean pref and then usi

Intent to prototype and ship: signal property on AddEventListenerOptions

2020-12-03 Thread smaug
Summary: proposes to add signal property to AddEventListenerOptions const ac = new AbortController(); target.addEventListener('fooEvent', (e) => { ... }, { signal: ac.signal } ); so that one can easily remove the event listener when AbortController is abo

Re: Paint Timing Changes and Tp5

2012-08-10 Thread smaug
On 08/09/2012 08:36 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 8/9/12 11:37 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote: This seems important. If the computer is running close to 100% CPU which is why paints are being throttled, then we're just introducing extra work for no benefit. We know that a significant portion of our u

Re: Paint Timing Changes and Tp5

2012-08-10 Thread smaug
On 08/10/2012 02:59 PM, smaug wrote: On 08/09/2012 08:36 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 8/9/12 11:37 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote: This seems important. If the computer is running close to 100% CPU which is why paints are being throttled, then we're just introducing extra work for no benefi

Re: New XPIDL attribute: [infallible]

2012-08-24 Thread smaug
On 08/24/2012 02:42 AM, Neil wrote: Justin Lebar wrote: So now you can do nsCOMPtr foo; int32_t f = foo->GetFoo(); Why was I expecting this to be Foo()? (Perhaps unreasonably.) Yeah, it should be Foo(). File a bug? I rejected the first approach because it meant that every call to G

Re: How to be notified when a node gets detached/reparented?

2012-10-11 Thread smaug
On 10/11/2012 02:40 PM, Paul Rouget wrote: Context: in the firefox devtools, we need to track some nodes and update different "views" based on what's happening to this node (show its parents, show its child, show its attributes, …). The new Mutation observers are very helpful. But there's one th

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Pointer Events Working Group

2012-10-11 Thread smaug
On 10/11/2012 07:55 PM, L. David Baron wrote: W3C is proposing a charter for a new Pointer Events Working Group. For more details, see: Mozilla has the opport

Re: Super-review, what shall we do with you?

2012-11-26 Thread smaug
On 11/26/2012 05:51 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote: On 11/25/12 7:29 PM, L. David Baron wrote: On Monday 2012-11-26 04:21 +0100, Robert Kaiser wrote: Justin Dolske schrieb: I think we should consider jettisoning/rewriting that part of the policy. It doesn't match what we've been doing in reality(*)

No more cycle collections during shutdown (opt builds)

2012-12-14 Thread smaug
Hi all, I just landed the patch for in order to speed up shutdown times. Shutdown cycle collections are still run in debug builds so that we can detect leaks. Also, one can set XPCOM_CC_RUN_DURING_SHUTDOWN env variable to enable shutdown cycl

Re: No more cycle collections during shutdown (opt builds)

2012-12-15 Thread smaug
On 12/15/2012 12:31 AM, smaug wrote: Hi all, I just landed the patch for in order to speed up shutdown times. Shutdown cycle collections are still run in debug builds so that we can detect leaks. Also, one can set

Re: Use of "instanceof SomeDOMInterface" in chrome and extensions

2012-12-29 Thread smaug
On 12/27/2012 12:18 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: We have a bunch of chrome and extension code that does things like "instanceof HTMLAnchorElement" (and likewise with other DOM interfaces). The problem is that per WebIDL spec and general ECMAScript sanity this shouldn't work: instanceof goes up the

Re: The future of PGO on Windows

2013-01-31 Thread smaug
On 01/31/2013 10:37 AM, Nicholas Nethercote wrote: On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: Given the above, I'd like to propose the following long-term solutions: 1. Disable PGO/LTCG now. 2. Try to delay disabling PGO/LTCG as much as possible. 3. Try to delay disabling PGO/LTCG

Re: print preview and documentation

2013-02-04 Thread smaug
On 02/02/2013 11:37 AM, rvj wrote: Its been a couple of years since Ive used the Mozilla libraries and some of the functionality now seems iffy For example print preview requests now generate an invalid pointer error error[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_I

Re: Running mousemove events from the refresh driver

2013-02-15 Thread smaug
On 02/14/2013 05:48 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote: On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 3:21 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote: On what OSes? Windows by default coalesces mouse move events. They are like WM_PAINT events in that they are only delivered when the event queue is empty. See

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