Is it possible to use this, or is there a similar proposal, for linking
animation timeline to other user-controlled means of interacting with the UI?
I'm thinking primarily about things like:
- drag&drop - the percentage of the distance between the source and target
linked to the animation tim
The only thing I'd like to see from pulsebot on developers is:
"26 commits have been merged from autoland into mozilla-central. List:
dev-platform mailing list
On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 2:54:45 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> I'm using this setup daily (with clang trunk from some weeks ago, not
> 5.0, but it's the same really), here is my mozconfig:
> ```
> export CC="icecc clang"
> export CXX="icecc clang++"
> mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j1
Unfortunately, that still doesn't make it fly.
My mozconfig:
▶ cat .mozconfig
mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j$(icecc-jobs)"
mk_add_options 'export CCACHE_PREFIX=icecc'
mk_add_options "export RUSTC_WRAPPER=sccache"
mk_add_options 'export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=1'
mk_add_options 'export
I'm not sure if the multiple- solution is going to be really working well.
>From the perspective of a gaia app developer that means that he has to inject
>manually a new for every library he wants to use.
That feels weird. I would rather expect a single that app controls
fully, sort of a mast
On Friday, August 14, 2015 at 3:59:23 PM UTC-7, James Burke wrote:
> There does not seem to be a need for extra APIs in the browser for
> controlling layouts or paints using this approach:
Great work James!
I like that we can play with this approach right now, but I'm wondering if we
should stil
One of the major use cases for MutationObserver is all kinds of libraries that
either shim APIs or provide intrinsic modifications to DOM experience.
Examples of such libraries may be:
* A library that provides Date/Time pickers only caring about
* A library that extends behavior of a part
dev-platform mailing list
Hi all,
There are two things in the platform that need a developer, which would
significantly help Firefox OS L10n/Intl work.
1) Move navigator.mozHour12 to platform
This is a shim [0] that currently requires us to give all apps that want to
properly display time to elevate its privileges to h
There seem to be an interesting section in Promises doc from 2001 about
multi-state promises -
One of the things that we are working on is a spec for loading localization
resources into HTML, which resembles the example from this
On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 3:02:21 AM UTC-7, smaug wrote:
> That document is from 2015 ;)
Oh. Fun!
> The example in that chapter is "This property should return the same promise
> every time it is retrieved, until the image moves backward from the
> loaded state into the unloaded state.
On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 2:28:54 AM UTC-7, David Teller wrote:
> If I understand ES6 modules correctly, two imports from the same webpage
> will return the same module instance, right?
I don't think this is a correct statement across globals.
When you load two modules in one js context,
On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 2:01:09 PM UTC-7, David Teller wrote:
> "why": because you wrote "The former is a more tricky." in your previous
> message. If it's not, I'm quite happy to not remove them :)
> For reference, "the former" is a snippet such as:
> if (needed) {
> Cu.import(.
I'm trying to use MutationObserver to do runtime localization of the nodes that
are provided by an HTML file.
I register the mutation observer on document at it's readyState=loading and in
result all nodes that are in HTML files are reported to my callback. That's
Now, usually, firstPain
Hi all,
I have a question about MO behavior.
>From what I understand, MutationObserver API is designed in a way that is
>supposed to guarantee two things that I need:
1) That if I have a MO set on the document during readyState=loading, then all
consequent elements injected by Parser into DOM
On Monday, July 6, 2015 at 12:48:33 PM UTC-7, smaug wrote:
> I don't know what "have a MO set on the document during readyState=loading"
> actually means.
Document has three loading states - loading, interactive, complete[0].
I'm initializing MO during loading stage, so that I have a chance to m
We took it to the stre... IRC, and in result of that I filed to bugs:
dev-platform mailing list
This is something I've been asking for for quite a while.
We have this state with runtime localization where we have to do backflips in
order to win the race with Gecko to firstPaint.
I filed a bug for getting an API to prevent frame creation [0] and got a
response that display: none should do
On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 3:01:39 PM UTC-7, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Zibi Braniecki wrote:
> > 2) We want to bring app to foreground/paint it only when the app's chrome
> > is visually complete.
> I would very much want this. Righ
On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 2:03:28 AM UTC-7, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Zibi Braniecki wrote:
> > So maybe we would need another event that the website fires to indicate
> > when it for paint/cache/screenshot.
> >
> Assum
On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 10:47:26 PM UTC-7, Wilson Page wrote:
> Are we expecting that this will reduce unwanted layout/paint cycles on the
> critical path and thus minimise the 'white flash of doom'?
I believe that that's the primary goal, to replace the current race condition
Hi all,
Thanks to the work of James Teh [:Jamie] in bug 1659625, you can now use
Fluent to localize UA Widgets.
You'll need to create a custom `DOMLocalization` or `Localization`
instance, and use `connectRoot` and `disconnectRoot` to integrate it into
the UA Widget's lifecycle.
An example of su
Hi all,
We just landed a major patch which replaces `general.useragent.locale` pref
with a new pref `intl.locale.requested`.
Historically, `general.useragent.locale` has been widely used to set a
locale for Firefox UI.
This year, we introduced a full new API called mozilla::intl::LocaleService
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 3:47 PM, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 03:15:06PM -0800, Zibi Braniecki (Gandalf) wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We just landed a major patch which replaces `general.useragent.locale`
> pref
> > with a new pref `intl
Hi all!
A couple changes just landed in Gecko that will tighten our handling of
language tags and locales to BCP47 standard.
- Use mozilla::locale::Locale for any operations on Locale codes in C++
- Expect LocaleService::NegotiateLanguages to return canonicalized BCP47
langauge tags
On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 7:09 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:
> I just looked at the first 10 methods/attributes on that interface. None
> of them are remotely performance-sensitive, and several are test-only. If
> we see certain methods on it show up in profiles, we should move those
> methods to WebIDL,
I'm very proud to introduce the latest addition to our family of "explain
ourselves" efforts - shiny, new developer docs about locale management,
internationalization and localization practices at Mozilla.
We put a lot of effort to make
Hi all!
We've just landed a new hot developer-oriented feature in Firefox Nightly -
Pseudolocalization allows developers to quickly test their UI against fake
localizations helping us discover internationalization issues earlier in
the cycle.
You can find an introduction vide
Hi all,
A small update from the Fluent world - with landing of bug 1480798 Fluent
now controls the directionality of its roots.
That means that you don't need to do any special magic for RTL locales, as
we will set `localedir` and `dir` (XUL and HTML) attributes on the document
element and flip i
Hi all,
A quick update on the LocaleService and OSPreferences APIs.
We just landed an update [0] that utilizes recently introduced new XPIDL
feature of handling Arrays[1]!
That means that we were able to turn all `getX` and `setX` methods into
properties, which means that instead of
Jared Wein
Gijs Kruitbosch
Edward Lee
Axel Hecht
Staś Małolepszy
Zibi Braniecki
Hi all!
If you ever need to work with language/locale identifiers, we now have a
clean API to use for all Rust, C++ and JavaScript.
The most common scenario in which you may encounter the need is when you
want to verify that, say, Firefox UI locale is English, or that the
regional variant is "US"
Hi all,
This is a PSA about the change that landed last night in bug 1560038 [0].
We migrated the core of Fluent Localization System in Gecko from JavaScript
[1] to Rust [2].
The expected benefits are:
- Lays groundwork for shared memory for Fluent (Fission) (next steps in
bug 1613705 [3])
- R
33 matches
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