Intent to implement: CSS media queries, interaction media features

2017-10-03 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
Summary: Implement the CSS features [any-]pointer:{none|coarse|fine} and [any-]hover:{none|hover} in a manner that is compatible with Blink. These features are implemented in all other major engines including Edge, and sites like Gmail are now using them. Our lack of support for these features has

Intent to ship: CSS4 :any-link pseudo-class

2016-08-02 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
As of Firefox 50, I intend to unprefix the CSS4 :any-link pseudo-class on all platforms. It has been supported in Firefox for a long time now as :-moz-any-link, and has been aligned with the spec for several years as well (see Bug to turn on b

Intent to ship: XMLHttpRequest parsing errors will yield a null document for web content, not one with a root.

2016-08-02 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
Summary: XMLHttpRequests for web content (and WebExtensions) will now follow the spec and return a null response/responseXML in the event of a parsing error, rather than a document with a root. The web console will also log a more informative error. Non-WebExtension addons and other chrome code wi

Intent to ship: minlength attribute and tooShort validityState.

2016-08-19 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
Summary: We already ship the HTML maxlength attribute with its associated tooLong validityState, and will now support its minlength/tooShort counterparts. Bug: Link to standard:

Intent to ship imageSmoothingEnabled and remove mozImageSmoothingEnabled.

2016-08-22 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
Summary: ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled is a Canvas2D context property controlling the interpolation of images drawn to 2D canvases (especially useful for pixel art). Bug: Link to standard:

Intent to unship: -moz-prefixed Page Visibility API.

2016-09-06 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
I intend to remove the prefixed version of the Page Visibility API, which consists of the mozvisibilitychange event and mozHidden and mozVisibilityState document properties. The unprefixed versions of these features have been available since Firefox 18, and a deprecation warning was issued on fxsi

Intent to ship: CSS placeholder pseudo-element

2016-09-06 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
As of Firefox 51, I intend to unprefix the ::placeholder pseudo-element on all platforms. The -moz prefixed version has been active for a long time now, all browsers support a prefixed version, and WebKit has just unprefixed it for their test preview of Safari. I've also recently unprefixed the r

Intent to implement: canvas getTransform() and setTransform(DOMMatrixInit) methods.

2016-09-07 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
The canvas draft spec used to have a currentTransform attribute on 2D canvas context objects, which was implemented by Chrome (behind a runtime flag). We also ship our own similar (but non-standard) mozGetTransform and mozSetTransform methods. The draft spec has since changed to add a getTransform

Intent to unship: canvas 2D context mozDash and mozDashOffset.

2016-09-14 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
The standard versions of these features have been in Firefox since version 27, the MDN pages have noted that they are deprecated since at least the middle of last year, and no addons on DXR show that they're used (except as fallbacks if the standard variant is missing). Other browsers have also sup

Intent to unship: -moz-prefixed CSS cursor:zoom-in, zoom-out, grab, grabbing

2016-11-25 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
The standard versions of these features have been in Firefox since at least version 27 and a deprecated notice has been up since October 2015. Edge supports the unprefixed versions, while Blink and WebKit support the "zoom" ones without prefixes and the "grab" ones behind the -webkit prefix. Bug f

Intent to prototype: ETP strict mode shims for content-blocked resources

2020-08-20 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
Summary: ETP strict mode performs content-blocking, which can cause breakage on many sites ranging from features like Facebook's federated logins not working, to sites not being able to load at all. This currently occurs in private browsing mode, and/or if the user has enabled the option in Firef

Intent to ship: ETP strict mode shims for content-blocked resources (aka SmartBlock)

2021-02-23 Thread Thomas Wisniewski
As of Firefox 87, I intend to enable ETP shims by default on desktop and Android. ETP shims are work-arounds for website breakage which is caused by blocking specific scripts in ETP strict mode and private browsing mode (see the intent to prototype for more context). Shims for the following scr