Intent to prototype: JavaScript weak references

2019-10-18 Thread Jonathan Coppeard
Summary: This feature allows developers to create weak references to JavaScript objects. Finalizers are also provided that allow developers to perform actions when an object is garbage collected, without keeping that object alive. This is an advanced feature that is not expected to be widely u

Re: Intent to prototype: JavaScript weak references

2019-10-23 Thread Jonathan Coppeard
On Friday, 18 October 2019 17:05:41 UTC+1, Jonathan Coppeard wrote: > Preference: > > This feature will be controlled by the javascript.options.weakrefs pref, > which will be off by default. Correction: for consistency with other experimental features the pref u

Intent to ship: JavaScript weak references

2020-06-01 Thread Jonathan Coppeard
This week JS weak refs will be enabled on nightly and will ride the trains, ultimately shipping in Firefox 79. It has been developed behind the javascript.options.experimental.weakrefs preference (which will be renamed to javascript.options.weakrefs). Status in other browsers: - Chrome: will sh