Re: Launch of Phabricator and Lando for mozilla-central

2018-06-06 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 6/6/18 11:48 AM, Mark Côté wrote: On Wednesday, 6 June 2018 11:18:43 UTC-4, Boris Zbarsky wrote: * Stacked revisions. If you have a stack of revisions, that is, two or more revisions with parent-child relationships, Lando cannot land them all at once. Does Differential support this case n

Re: Launch of Phabricator and Lando for mozilla-central

2018-06-06 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 6/6/18 1:49 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 6/6/18 1:41 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: I think bz is asking about mozReview's ability to handle multiple commits in a single review (and handle updates in both dimensions). This fits the hg evolve model well, and was AFAIK a unique workfl

Re: Launch of Phabricator and Lando for mozilla-central

2018-06-06 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 6/6/18 3:03 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 6/6/18 2:52 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: Mozreview will show me the equivalent of "diff -r B -r P1", "diff -r P1 -r P2" and "diff -r P2 -r P3".  If there are then edits to P1 to produce Q1, the diff revision slider will

Re: Intent to implement and ship: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay

2018-07-30 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 7/29/18 10:39 PM, Chris Pearce wrote: Summary: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay allows web authors to determine in advance of calling whether the HTMLMediaElement in its current state would be allowed to play, or would be blocked by the browser's autoplay blocking poli

Re: Intent to implement and ship: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay

2018-08-06 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 8/1/18 3:36 AM, Chris Pearce wrote: On Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 9:05:03 AM UTC+12, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: On 7/29/18 10:39 PM, Chris Pearce wrote: Summary: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay allows web authors to determine in advance of calling whether the

Intent to remove: isRemote member in WebRTC getStats() results

2018-08-06 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
We're removing the isRemote member of the RTCRTPStreamStats [1] dictionary used to identify remote statistics returned from the peerConnection.getStats() method in WebRTC. [2] The spec changed in 2017 to explicit types instead of this boolean. [3] We just landed a deprecation warning in Nightl

Re: Intent to implement and ship: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay

2018-08-07 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 8/6/18 4:03 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: On 8/1/18 3:36 AM, Chris Pearce wrote: I think the only thing that you're missing is how vehemently some sites are in their desire to avoid the doorhanger prompt. No, I'm also missing why we should listen to them. If Netflix fights our

Re: Just Autoland It

2016-01-30 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 1/26/16 10:56 PM, Karl Tomlinson wrote: On Fri, 22 Jan 2016 14:24:38 -0500, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: What about the case where the information doesn't exist in the repository because the author, for example, cherry-picked a specific commit on a throw-away branch because the rest of the dependenc

Intent to deprecate: getUserMedia(cam+mic) to become all-or-nothing

2016-05-12 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Hi, this is an "intent to align with the spec" PSA. The MediaCapture and Streams spec [1] says that sites requesting both camera and microphone at the same time, must get both or nothing (in the form of an error). Firefox's permission doorhanger violates this invariant by offering users the

Re: Intent to deprecate: getUserMedia(cam+mic) to become all-or-nothing

2016-05-12 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 5/12/16 4:41 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote: This part should be fixable by creating a video stream which just contains black (or a "anonymous user" icon or some such). In theory yes, but I don't think the existing UX is salvageable when mapped to mute (nowhere to unmute, and site now thinks it ha

Re: Intent to deprecate: getUserMedia(cam+mic) to become all-or-nothing

2016-05-13 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 5/12/16 7:26 PM, Mike Taylor wrote: On 5/12/16 2:48 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: Our original intent behind those choices was to let users join a video conference as an "audio only" participant. Unfortunately, sites don't expect this behavior and often don't work rig

Re: WebRTC connections do not trigger content policies. Should they?

2016-06-17 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Data channels are modeled on web sockets, and I see we do this for web sockets. However, data channels are typically opened to other *clients*, not servers. What would the ContentLocation URI be in this case? The (dynamic) IP used to reach the other client? This seem

Intent to implement and ship: MediaStreamTrack's .getConstraints() and .getSettings()

2016-07-26 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Summary: Let developers read back what constraints have been put on MediaStreamTracks by navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() or track.applyConstraints(), as well as the resulting net settings. The new methods for this are track.getConstraints() and track.getSettings() respectively. The sett

Re: Intent to put Permission API's .revoke() method behind a pref

2016-08-17 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
I support putting .revoke() behind a pref (I would like to go further and remove it since I find it problematic, but a pref is a start). On 8/17/16 3:34 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote: On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote: We should maybe also pref .query() too... wdyt? The ma

Re: Intent to restrict to secure contexts: navigator.geolocation

2016-10-26 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
At the risk of sounding pragmatic/opportunistic, why not wait until the usage numbers go down, as they're bound to? .: Jan-Ivar :. On 10/25/16 7:10 PM, Karl Dubost wrote: Interesting thread. Going back to the starting email: Le 22 oct. 2016 à 04:49, Richard Barnes a écrit : Around 21% of th

Re: Proposal to ban the usage of refcounted objects inside C++ lambdas in Gecko

2015-04-13 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 4/10/15 2:09 PM, Seth Fowler wrote: On Apr 10, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: I would like to propose that we should ban the usage of refcounted objects inside lambdas in Gecko. Here is the reason: Consider the following code: nsINode* myNode; TakeLambda([&]() { myNode->Foo(); }

Re: Proposal to ban the usage of refcounted objects inside C++ lambdas in Gecko

2015-04-13 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 4/13/15 1:36 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: [2] working link I hope:

Re: Proposal to ban the usage of refcounted objects inside C++ lambdas in Gecko

2015-04-13 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 4/10/15 4:26 PM, smaug wrote: I'd say that is rather painful for reviewers, since both Move() (I prefer .swap()) and lambda hide what is actually happening to the refcnt. Wanna ban copy construction? ;) Higher-level constructs inherently "hide" something, but I disagree they make things ha

Re: Proposal to ban the usage of refcounted objects inside C++ lambdas in Gecko

2015-04-14 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 4/14/15 10:06 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote: On 2015-04-13 1:36 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: The above is a raw pointer bug, not a lambda bug. Yes, I'm aware. Please see bug 1114683. Thanks, I was not aware of this larger effort. This somewhat addresses my concern that we seem overly fo

Re: Runnables and thread-unsafe members

2015-04-14 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 4/14/15 5:39 PM, Randell Jesup wrote: I wonder if we could move to requiring already_AddRefed for DispatchToMainThread (and Dispatch?), and thus block all attempts to do DispatchToMainThread(new FooRunnable), etc. :-) Yes! +1. I like the .forget() semantics, but just to have options, here'

Re: Changing the style guide's preference for loose over strict equality checks in non-test code

2015-05-14 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 5/14/15 4:22 PM, Gijs Kruitbosch wrote: On 14/05/2015 19:08, Martin Thomson wrote: If you intend to support false and null and undefined and NaN and attribute the same semantics, _say so_. Make it explicit. Don't make me (the person reading your code years later) that this is your intent.

Re: Use of 'auto'

2015-06-05 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 6/2/15 6:28 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 6/2/15 6:12 PM, Seth Fowler wrote: If you write this: auto val = Bar(); Foo(val); I think to preserve the semantics of Foo(Bar()) you need: auto& val = Bar(); Foo(val); but apart from that nit, I totally agree. This. Allow auto or lift the

Intent to implement HTMLMediaElement.srcObject partially

2015-07-15 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Hi, We intend to un-prefix HTMLMediaElement.srcObject (it currently exists as HTMLMediaElement.mozSrcObject), even though it only supports a subset of the types mandated in the spec. [1] This means it will support get/set of: MediaStream objects. This means it will throw TypeError on set of:

Re: Intent to implement HTMLMediaElement.srcObject partially

2015-07-15 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 7/15/15 9:28 PM, wrote: I need to complete bug 886194 then (that add MSE supports). Yes, or at least rename the subject slightly. ;) PS: We have the same first name in different language. awesome. Hey, that's rare for us! .: Jan-Ivar :. ___

Re: Intent to implement HTMLMediaElement.srcObject partially

2015-07-19 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 7/15/15 11:50 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 7/15/15 3:42 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: This means it will support get/set of: MediaStream objects. This means it will throw TypeError on set of: MediaSource objects, Blob objects, and File objects, for now. Jan-Ivar, Do you happen to know

Re: Intent to implement and ship: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay

2018-08-08 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 8/8/18 12:53 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 8/8/18 12:43 PM, Chris Pearce wrote: On Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 7:51:50 PM UTC-7, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: To clarify, I care about Netflix, which is why I question giving up on persisting autoplay for them, which is what allowedToPlay does. So

Re: Intent to implement and ship: HTMLMediaElement.allowedToPlay

2018-08-08 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 8/8/18 12:43 PM, Chris Pearce wrote: Hi Jib, I appreciate that you care passionately about our users' best interests. Seeing as you asked "why don't you just?"... Here's why we "didn't just"... On Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 7:51:50 PM UTC-7, Jan-Ivar

Intent to implement and ship: getDisplayMedia()

2018-09-21 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Summary: Firefox has long supported screen capture through a proprietary non-standard extension of getUserMedia(). We intend to implement the standard getDisplayMedia() API, and eventually remove the old non-standard API. This exposes existing functionality in a standard way. Bug: https://bugz

Intent to unship: mozAutoGainControl & mozNoiseSuppression constraints (and AGC=on by default)

2018-10-10 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
TL;DR: anticipate very low impact. We don't have telemetry for these, but we've been warning about these in web console since 55. [1] These are legacy names for the standard autoGainControl and noiseSuppression constraints we've supported since 55. [1] You can try it out here https://blog.

Re: Intent to unship: mozAutoGainControl & mozNoiseSuppression constraints (and AGC=on by default)

2018-10-10 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 10/10/18 4:29 PM, Mike Taylor wrote: Hi Jan-Ivar, On 10/10/18 9:48 AM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: The most likely net fallout of, if any, would be sites that UA-sniff AND rely on the legacy Firefox names ONLY to turn OFF audio processing. These are likely to be specialty sites dealing with

Intent to deprecate: insecure getUserMedia & enumerateDevices requests

2019-02-26 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
TL;DR: the getUserMedia API will reject with NotAllowedError in insecure contexts in Firefox 67 (due mid-May), and we'll experiment with navigator.mediaDevices being [SecureContext] in Nightly going forward. Hi! We're moving to restrict the getUserMedia and enumerateDevices APIs, in two stages

Intent to Implement & Ship: WebRTC Perfect Negotiation APIs

2019-07-23 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
"Perfect Negotiation" refers to four API improvements to WebRTC that together make signaling non-racy and more ergonomic. They are (with FF target and bug #): 1. 70 restartIce() 2. 70 setRemoteDescription() with "rollback" 3. 70

Re: Intent to Implement & Ship: WebRTC Perfect Negotiation APIs

2019-07-24 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
nce the new APIs are all done. I hope to write a follow-up blog once we can demo the new APIs. Cheers! .: Jan-Ivar :. On 7/23/19 9:10 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: "Perfect Negotiation" refers to four API improvements to WebRTC that together make signaling non-racy and more ergonomic.

Re: Intent to ship: Promise.allSettled

2019-10-30 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
This always seemed trivial to me to do with: Promise.all( => p.catch(e => e))) But I guess it's too late to make that point. I guess the more primitives the m

Re: Intent to ship: Promise.allSettled

2019-10-30 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
ually had an opportunity to use this pattern for anything... .: Jan-Ivar :. On 10/30/19 6:39 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote: On 10/30/19 6:19 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: This always seemed trivial to me to do with: Promise.all( => p.catch(e => e))) This has different sem

Re: Intent to ship: Promise.allSettled

2019-10-30 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
Promise.any is an inverse of Promise.all, right? There and back again: Promise.all( => p.then(r => Promise.reject(r), e => e))) .then(r => Promise.reject(r), e => e) That said, Promise.any has a nice ring to it. .: Jan-Ivar :. On 10/30/19 6:

Re: Intent to ship: Promise.allSettled

2019-10-31 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 10/31/19 4:26 AM, Paolo Amadini wrote: On 10/30/2019 10:19 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: Promise.all( => p.catch(e => e))) By the way, this &q

Re: Intent to ship: Promise.allSettled

2019-11-01 Thread Jan-Ivar Bruaroey
On 11/1/19 6:08 AM, Paolo Amadini wrote: On 10/31/2019 1:57 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote: The context here is the same as Promise.allSettled: we explicitly *do* want to ignore errors, right? In general, in mozilla-central we want to at least log those errors, at which point they are already