Removing preference for 'treating data: URIs as same origin' in FF83

2020-10-08 Thread Christoph Kerschbaumer
Hey Everyone, within Firefox 57, we started to treat data: URIs as unique opaque origins; in other words we stopped inheriting the security context for data: URIs. For more information see the ‘intent to ship’ from August 2017:

Please run mach bootstrap; NodeJS/NPM security fixes landed

2020-10-08 Thread Mark Banner
* Upgrades for NodeJS from 10.21.0 to 10.22.1 and for NPM from 6.14.4 to 6.14.6 have merged to mozilla-central. * Everyone is encouraged to run `mach bootstrap` to upgrade the toolchain on their machine. * The main security fix that we’re concerned with is in node, so I’ve also se

Re: Please run mach bootstrap; NodeJS/NPM security fixes landed

2020-10-08 Thread Kartikaya Gupta
Piling on with tangentially-related info: bug 1668921 bumps the minimum cbindgen version requirement and is on autoland now. So if you want until that merges you'll only need to rebootstrap once instead of twice (assuming you use bootstrap to get your cbindgen installed). On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 12 SSL Certificate Renewal

2020-10-08 Thread Connor Sheehan
tldr; run `mach vcs-setup` to update the pinned SSL certificate in your hgrc files.’s x509 server certificate (AKA an “SSL certificate”) will be rotated on Monday, October 12th. Bug 1670031 tracks this change. You may have the certificate’s fingerprint pinned in your hgrc files.

PSA: js_options is no more

2020-10-08 Thread Mike Hommey
Hi, If you've written patches for configure in the past few years to add some flag to use in mozconfig with `ac_add_options`, you may have seen that while in most cases, you may do that with `option()`, in some cases, for weird reasons, you had to use `js_option()`. That's finally not the case any