happy bmo push day!

2020-08-05 Thread David Lawrence
the following changes have been pushed to bugzilla.mozilla.org: (tag: https://github.com/mozilla-bteam/bmo/tree/release-20200805.1) https://bugzil.la/1643526 : Attachment comments don't render markdown, but their preview does https://bugzil.la/1654456 : [needinfo] Provide instructions and guidanc

Re: Intent to prototype: Payment Handler API

2020-08-05 Thread mcac...@mozilla.com
After some initial prototyping, we've decided to put the Payment Handler API on hold for now. We are instead focusing on continuing to improve credit card autofill in Firefox. We plan to continue working with the W3C's Web payments working group to see if we can come up with something better

Delayed Bugzilla Emails

2020-08-05 Thread glob
Due to an issue that occurred during the bugzilla.mozilla.org deployment yesterday (5th August), emails generated immediately following the deployment (2pm to 4pm US/Eastern) have been delayed. As the systems work through the backlog of approximately 12 thousand emails you may receive emails o