Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2020-08-04 Thread bulk88
On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 10:57:58 AM UTC-4, Richard Barnes wrote: > There's pretty broad agreement that HTTPS is the way forward for the web. > In recent months, there have been statements from IETF [1], IAB [2], W3C > [3], and even the US Government [4] calling for universal use of > encryptio

Re: Intent to prototype: cross-fade

2020-08-04 Thread Zeke Medley
I believe that this is the behavior specified by the CSSWG as well. From the spec : > In particular, this means that `cross-fade(white 50%, transparent 50%)` will produce a partially-transparent solid white image. (Rather than a partially

Re: New system for landing + cancelling landing jobs in Lando

2020-08-04 Thread Zeid Zabaneh
Greetings everyone! I'm happy to report that the new system for landing as well as the ability to cancel landing jobs is now deployed and operational for the `autoland` tree as of 7:45 p.m. UTC. You may have experienced some delays landing things earlier as we were fixing a couple of issues that c

Re: Intent to prototype: cross-fade

2020-08-04 Thread Zeke Medley
Webkit and Chromium have bugs tracking the issue but it is hard to discern from them what their plans are (Webkit , Chromium ). On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 3:18 PM Jeff Mui

New system for landing + cancelling landing jobs in Lando

2020-08-04 Thread Zeid Zabaneh
Greetings everyone, The new Lando landing worker system has now been enabled for the below repositories. This system is part of Lando, and no longer uses the legacy Autoland-Transplant system. - phabricator-qa-stage ( - version-cont

Re: New system for landing + cancelling landing jobs in Lando

2020-08-04 Thread Zeid Zabaneh
Hi all, After running various tests on our lower environments, we've run into some snags due to the limited amount of memory we've allocated for Lando in our production cluster. Specifically when running some hungry mercurial commands on `mozilla-central` which are essential for the reliability of

Re: Intent to deprecate: Insecure HTTP

2020-08-04 Thread Daniel Veditz
You're replying to a 4 year old thread. Don't do that: you're jumping over 4 years of other conversations, and tagged on the end of an old thread whatever arguments you're making will unseen by a lot of people depending on how their mail readers work. Your arguments about HTTPS overhead on poor ne

Desktop pinch zooming on in nightly

2020-08-04 Thread Kartikaya Gupta
Hi all, In bug 1620055 I've flipped the switch to turn on "desktop zooming" (aka pinch zooming on desktop) by default on Nightly (starting tomorrow, probably). We know there are still some issues with this feature, notably around interacting with scrollbars after zooming, but we would like to enab

Intent to ship: Redirect Tracking Protection (formerly ETP Cookie Purging)

2020-08-04 Thread Steven Englehardt
As of July 28th we've started a slow rollout of redirect tracking protection feature (which we've previously called "ETP Cookie Purging") in Firefox 79 Desktop. We’ve started with 1% of users and will slowly increase over the coming weeks. The feature is behind the privacy.purge_trackers.enabled pr