Intent to Prototype: Schemeful Cookie Same-Site

2020-05-18 Thread Andrea Marchesini
Summary: Modify the definition of same-site for cookies such that requests on the same registrable domain but across schemes are considered cross-site instead of same-site. E.g., http://site.example and https://site.example

You can delete ipc/ipdl/ipdl/ and

2020-05-18 Thread Andrew McCreight
In case like me you've had these files staring back at you whenever you do git status or whatever the equivalent is in hg, according to discussion in bug 1630362, as of about May 7th you can delete these files and they won't come back. Andrew ___ dev-pla

Please convert your mach commands to python 3

2020-05-18 Thread Kris Wright
If you have any mach commands in your component that are still in python 2, you might have seen some new bugs today related to the python 3 conversion of mach commands . We want to convert all of the mach commands to use python 3 as a part of th

Re: Cargo.lock in hg repository?

2020-05-18 Thread ISHIKAWA,chiaki
Thank you for the feedback. So I am not alone in seeing this. I will ignore the anomaly for now although there are a few strange local changes due to this now. Chiaki On 2020/05/18 1:08, Emilio Cobos Álvarez wrote: I see this too, I think it's a rebase messup between bug 1631630 and bug 16360