TC39 February Summary

2020-02-25 Thread Yulia Startsev
Hi everyone, I have published the summary on the February TC39 Meeting. tl;dr -- The meeting had a lot of new proposals up for stage 1. Stage 1 means "we think this is worth investigating but we are not committed to it ye

PSA: Please clear weak reference to cycle collected objects on unlink

2020-02-25 Thread Kris Maglione
Accessing an object after it has been unlinked by the cycle collector is a certain way to cause trouble. Usually, that trouble is just in the form of null pointer crashes, but it can potentially be much worse. And the most common cause of those types of issues comes from accessing a weak pointer

Re: Intent to ship: Autodiscovery of WebExtension search engines

2020-02-25 Thread Dale Harvey
On Thu, 20 Feb 2020 at 00:17, Daniel Veditz wrote: > On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 2:10 PM Dale Harvey wrote: > >> > If you _do_ invent a new one shared with other browser vendors, please >> > don't use an "x-" prefix in anything new. >> >> Thanks, I got notice of others concerns about this as well an

Intent to prototype and ship: running background color animations on the compositor thread

2020-02-25 Thread Hiroyuki Birchill Ikezoe
Summary: According to a Chrome Platform Status statistics site [1] `background-color` is the third most popular animating CSS property. Running background color animations on the compositor makes the main thread less busy because styling/painting for the animations are skipped on the main thread. W

Re: Intent to ship: Autodiscovery of WebExtension search engines

2020-02-25 Thread Dale Harvey
Sorry I had replied but only just realised the discussion had been taken off list > Does this code enforce that the .xpi we download and attempt to install is actually a search type and not an arbitrary WebExtension Yes, extensions that only define a new search engine will be permitted, the exte