Re: PSA: nsIDocument is now mozilla::dom::Document.

2019-01-05 Thread Tim Guan-tin Chien
That's great! Definitely lower the barrier of entry for people new to Gecko C++. Just curious — what's the historical significance between nsIDocument and nsDocument? I know "ns" stood for Netscape but what did "I" mean? On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 3:56 PM Bobby Holley wrote: > This is awesome - tha

Re: PSA: nsIDocument is now mozilla::dom::Document.

2019-01-05 Thread Jeff Muizelaar
"I" stands for Interface. It's a convention borrowed from COM. e.g. COM's IUnknown corresponds to our nsISupports -Jeff On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 8:03 PM Tim Guan-tin Chien wrote: > > That's great! Definitely lower the barrier of entry for people new to Gecko > C++. > > Just curious — what's the hi