Secure revisions can be landed with Lando

2018-11-19 Thread Piotr Zalewa
We've just added support for landing secure revisions to Lando. To access a secure revision in Lando, you need to provide an API token. Lando will save it for the login session only. The API token allows anybody with access to it to perform actions on your behalf. It is important not to store your

nsIHttpChannel not trying to authenticate if presented BASIC and an unknown auth method

2018-11-19 Thread john.bieling--- via dev-platform
Hi, today I wanted to authenticate a PROPFIND against which returns the following WWW-Authentication header: WWW-Authenticate: X-MobileMe-AuthToken realm="Newcastle", Basic realm="Newcastle" Usually, on a fresh/new connection, nsIHttpChannel will first do an unauthe

Re: nsIHttpChannel not trying to authenticate if presented BASIC and an unknown auth method

2018-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky
On 11/19/18 5:07 PM, wrote: WWW-Authenticate: X-MobileMe-AuthToken realm="Newcastle", Basic realm="Newcastle" I expect this would work if you sent it as: WWW-Authenticate: X-MobileMe-AuthToken realm="Newcastle" WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Newcastle" Yes, per sp