Re: Intent to Implement: adding vector effects non-scaling-size, non-rotation and fixed-position to SVG

2016-12-28 Thread ktecramin99
> Does this change any invariants that we depend on in terms of how > SVG images with a viewBox respond to size changes by scaling? To be able to answer your question, please kindly write an example of what kind of invariant or what kind of use-case concerns you. Also please refer to following l

Intent to Implement: adding vector effects non-scaling-size, non-rotation and fixed-position to SVG

2016-12-28 Thread Ramin
Intent to Implement: adding vector effects non-scaling-size, non-rotation and fixed-position to SVG Contact emails,, Summary To offer vector effects regarding special coordinate transformations and graphic

Intent to Implement CSS Box Alignment on block containers

2016-12-28 Thread Bradley Werth
Summary: CSS Box Alignment is broadly available for css-flex containers, and will soon be available for css-grid containers. Web developers who are using flex containers to take advantage of "justify-content" or "align-content" will appreciate being able to apply those styles on block containers al

[Firefox Desktop] Issues found: December 19th to December 23rd

2016-12-28 Thread Andrei Vaida
Hi everyone, Here's the list of new issues found and filed by the Desktop Release QA Team last week, *December 19 - December 23* (week 51). Additional details on the team's priorities last week, as well as the plans for the current week are available at: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.o

Re: Intent to Implement CSS Box Alignment on block containers

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
On Wednesday 2016-12-21 14:45 -0800, Bradley Werth wrote: > Summary: CSS Box Alignment is broadly available for css-flex containers, > and will soon be available for css-grid containers. Web developers who are > using flex containers to take advantage of "justify-content" or > "align-content" will

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Verifiable Claims Working Group

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
Here's an attempt to write up comments to submit on this charter. I'm not sure I understood ekr's reply to mt, though. So corrections and clarifications are certainly welcome. Sorry for the delay circling back to this. -David We don't think the W3C should be putting resources behind standardiza

5 W3C Candidate Recommendations from Social Web WG

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
5 W3C Candidate Recommendations are available for the membership of W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before they proceed to the final stages of being a W3C Proposed Recommendation and W3C Recomendation: deadline: Thursday, January 12, 2017 Activity Streams 2.0

W3C Candidate Recommendation: Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
A W3C Candidate Recommendation is available for the membership of W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before it proceeds to the final stages of being a W3C Proposed Recommendation and W3C Recomendation: Digital Publishing WAI-ARIA Module 1.0 TR draft: Ed

6 W3C Candidate Recommendations on XPath and XQuery

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
6 W3C Candidate Recommendations are available for the membership of W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before they proceed to the final stages of being a W3C Proposed Recommendation and W3C Recomendation: deadline: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 working groups: XML Query WG *and* XSLT WG XML P

W3C Proposed Recommendation: Web Cryptography API

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
A W3C Proposed Recommendation is available for the membership of W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before it proceeds to the final stage of being a W3C Recomendation: Web Cryptography API Deadline for resp

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Verifiable Claims Working Group

2016-12-28 Thread Eric Rescorla
On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 3:52 PM, L. David Baron wrote: > Here's an attempt to write up comments to submit on this charter. > I'm not sure I understood ekr's reply to mt, though. So corrections > and clarifications are certainly welcome. > > Sorry for the delay circling back to this. > > -David >

W3C Proposed Recommendation: Data on the Web Best Practices

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
A W3C Proposed Recommendation is available for the membership of W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before it proceeds to the final stage of being a W3C Recomendation: Data on the Web Best Practices Deadline for responses: Sund

Re: W3C Proposed Recommendation: Data on the Web Best Practices

2016-12-28 Thread Karl Dubost
David, Le 29 déc. 2016 à 09:15, L. David Baron a écrit : > Data on the Web Best Practices > I didn't participate to this group and this document, but I went through it today. > My inclination is to abstain from this review, but could probably be > convinced to sen

Re: W3C Proposed Recommendation: Data on the Web Best Practices

2016-12-28 Thread Tantek Çelik
On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Karl Dubost wrote: > David, > > Le 29 déc. 2016 à 09:15, L. David Baron a écrit : >> Data on the Web Best Practices >> > > I didn't participate to this group and this document, but I went through it > today. I also did not participa

Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Verifiable Claims Working Group

2016-12-28 Thread L. David Baron
OK, I sent the response far enough before the deadline (which is Sunday January 15) that other W3C members may have a chance to see it before the deadline: -David -- 𝄞 L. David Baron http://dbaron.or