Re: NPAPI plug-in use case: live video broadcast

2015-09-30 Thread Oliver Lietz
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 3:26:36 AM UTC+2, Chris Pearce wrote: > On 9/29/2015 11:46 PM, Oliver Lietz wrote: > > Not sure how MSE plays live broadcasts, as youtube primarily is VOD. > > It might be possible with any kind of MPEG DASH combination. Anyway it > > is PLAYBACK only, not SEND

Web API docs/evangelism/dev team meeting Thursday at 8 AM PDT

2015-09-30 Thread Eric Shepherd
The Web API documentation community meeting, with representatives from the technical evangelism and the API development teams, will take place on Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time (see for your time zone). Typical meetings include news about recent API development progress and fu

C++ Core Guidelines

2015-09-30 Thread Botond Ballo
Hi folks, I wanted to draw your attention to a new project underway in the C++ standards community. It's a document called "C++ Core Guidelines" [1], intended to be a collection of widely applicable C++ best practices, that can serve as a template on which C++ projects can base their own, more sp