Hi Andrea,
I can confirm, that
is indeed fixing this for me. But since this pref looks like it will not stay
long, I would like to fix this with the worker approach.
You said you would like to move this discussione to IRC, where can I find you?
Hi Andrea,
I was already going thru that CookieSettings docuemnt, but are you sure that is
alreadfy in the ESR68 branch? I tried to access loadInfo.cookieSettings and got
back an error.
Where can I find you on IRC? Which channel/nick?
More details: The same code works in TB60 and in the cookie list of the
general options I can see all sorts of cookies being stored. In TB68, none of
the expected cookies show up in the cookie list.
Did something change in that region? What do I need to do to allow a channel /
principal to sto
It happens also with the SystemPrincipal as well, so independent of the
userContextId. I changed to code as follows now and get the same behaviour:
let channel = Services.io.newChannelFromURI(
I have run into something strange. This is how I create network connections in
my (Thunderbird-) AddOn:
let channel = Services.io.newChannelFromURI(
Services.scriptSecurityManager.createCodebasePrincipal(aConnection.uri, {
userContextId }),
Perfect! Having seen that, I also found the "contentType" attribute and its
description here:
which allows me to mimic the behaviour.
Thanks a lot for the pointer!
I am working on a wrapper for nsIHttpChannel with the interface of
MLHttpRequest. Mainly to be able to use the codeBbasePrincipal (or
ContextPrincipal as it is called now I think) with XHR requests, but without
authors having to rewrite their code.
This is for Thunderbird Add-Ons, which still c
Alternatively, the admin wants me to send a bogus authenticate header, like
Authenticate: X to trigger the authentication.
I really do not like that. Maybe I can get him to jump into the discussion.
dev-platform mailing list
No, the server is not controlled by me. The admin expects clients to send a
Basic Auth header without having seen the WWW-Authenticate header, if I do not
want to access the resource unauthenticated.
For me this looked wrong from the beginning, but just wanted to make sure I am
not missing anyt
Thanks for your reply.
I do not want to manually add a `Authentication` request header, as I also do
not know what methods are allowed without having seen the WWW-Authentication
header (and just trying basic auth is not an option for me).
I was hoping there was some established mechanism to f
nsIHttpChannel is usually doing an unauthenticated request to a remote URL to
get the WWW-Authentication header from the 401 response and then pick one of
the allowed methods to authenticate.
I am running into an issue, where the server is not returning a 401 but
actually returns a result for a
That title is a bit bulky, but it is hard to find a one line summary for this
thread :-)
After having understood how originAttributes and containers work with
nsIHttpChannel, I was finally able to fix all sorts of connection problems. I
am now able to isolate connections to the same host but wi
This should be decided once and for all. The complicated parsing of ", "
separated auth headers was exactly my argumentation against changing XHR's
behaviour. But it was discarded.
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I mean ", " separated of course.
dev-platform mailing list
I have a working impl. now and just looking at 401 is not sufficient.
The user could indeed have provided a wrong password. The only way to know, if
the 401 was caused because nsIHttpChannel did not even try to authenticate, is
by checking wether it has send a Authorization header back to the s
@Anne van Kesteren
Solved that by checking getRequestHeader("Authorization") in case of 401 and if
that is missing, I know nsIHttpChannel did not try to authenticate.
dev-platform mailing list
@Anne van Kesteren
Thanks for your feedback. As you have the much deeper knowledge about these
thinks, I think it would be better if you file that bug? I think you can get
the report much more to the point than I could describe it?
Related Question: In my Add-On I made the transition from fetch
FYI: I observed this with Thunderbird 60.3.1 (the current stable release)
Is this related to
I reported this bug because fetch()'s response.headers.get("WWW-Authenticate")
returned "null" if TWO such headers are received (as you suggested).
today I wanted to authenticate a PROPFIND against
which returns the following WWW-Authentication header:
WWW-Authenticate: X-MobileMe-AuthToken realm="Newcastle", Basic
Usually, on a fresh/new connection, nsIHttpChannel will first do an
I was able to build mozilla-central on my Windows 10, but Mozilla-esr60 fails:
John@R2D2 ~/Documents/Mozilla/source60
$ ./mach build
0:02.31 Clobber not needed.
0:02.32 Adding make options from None
So to summarize this topic and all the things that are currently going on:
- mozAnon is not to stay forever, because XHR is superseded by fetch() wich has
an option for that as well
- XHR.getResponseHeader() is going to be adjusted to match fetch() [= returning
a comma-joined list] so using XHR
You may fix fetch() to support multiple auth headers again, but do not change
how XHR returns them :-)
What have I done ...
dev-platform mailing list
I do not think they will change that. RFC 7230 defines that behavior and the
digest auth header is actually not a valid header in that respect. The mozilla
impl. actually had a "getAll" method, which returned an array instead of a
list. But that was non-standard and got removed. But we are getti
> Isn't this the same as supplying the crossOrigin:anonymous option to
> fetch()?
That is true, that is why I wrote "in other features".
For example, if multiple www-authenticate headers are send, fetch will return
them as a list joined by "," while XHR returns them as a list joined by "\n".
CromeOnly means, I can continue to use from (Thunderbird) AddOns, but not from
a website? That would be ok.
But removing it altogether would be a loss, because (with that mozAnon option)
XHR has advantages in other features over fetch().
If I could vote, I would like to +1 for keeping it :-)
Is mozAnon going to stay or are you thinking about removing that in the future?
Thanks for your time,
dev-platform mailing list
I created a bug
dev-platform mailing list
I encountered something strange. I am on TB60 trying to use the Fetch API.
I create a GET or POST request without authentication and get back a 401 from
the server and use
to eval the allowed authentication methods. This works fine, if the server
28 matches
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