Re: Intent to ship: Module scripts (ES6 modules)

2018-02-14 Thread jcoppeard
On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 2:59:33 PM UTC, James Graham wrote: > Are there web-platform-tests for this feature? Yes, under: html/semantics/scripting-1/the-script-element/module/ Jon ___ dev-platform mailing list ht

Intent to ship: Module scripts (ES6 modules)

2018-02-14 Thread jcoppeard
I intend to turn on

Intent to Implement: Module scripts (ES6 modules)

2017-01-13 Thread jcoppeard
Summary: An HTML

Re: So, what's the point of Cu.import, these days?

2016-09-26 Thread jcoppeard
On Sunday, 25 September 2016 07:32:32 UTC+1, David Teller wrote: > What's the current status of the implementation of ES6 modules? ES6 modules are supported for chrome code, but not yet for content (pending spec related discussions that are not relevant for chrome). It would be great if we coul