Re: Fennec moving to extended support

2019-09-09 Thread gbrown
On Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 7:10:58 PM UTC-6, Ryan VanderMeulen wrote: > Hello everyone, > > tl;dr: Fennec will be following the 68 train to ESR68-based release. > > Why are we doing it? > > We want to provide users with a secure and supported legacy Firefox for > Android until Fenix has matu

Re: android-em-4-3-armv7-api16 possibly falsy timeout

2019-03-19 Thread gbrown
I updated bug 1534079 with some investigation. In all 3 cases (and Jason's looks the same), these are shutdown hangs in firefox for android, after a test has been run in test verification, in chaos mode. Who might be able to track that down further? If it cannot be fixed, we could turn off chao

Re: test-verify (and test-verify-wpt) now running as tier 2

2017-12-07 Thread gbrown
On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 11:12:03 AM UTC-6, Geoffrey Brown wrote: > Today the test-verify test task will start running as a tier 2 job. > Look for the "TV" symbol on treeherder, on linux-64 test platforms. > > TV is intended as an "early warning system" for identifying the > introduction of i