Re: How to setting border-radius for window without the default style.

2014-07-27 Thread Yuan Xulei()
On 7/23/14, 5:54 PM, Yonggang Luo wrote: If you want the background clipped to the rounded border, and the rounded border to be on the root, then you can't do that. Is that possible to dynamic creating the border/background of the root, by modify the underling code in mozilla source code. That'

Intent to implement: AbortablePromise and AbortableProgressPromise

2014-07-18 Thread Yuan Xulei()
Hi all,/ Summary/: These are subclasses of Promise. Allow promise to be canceled or send progress notification. They are planned to be used by some APIs, such as XMLHttpRequest, FileAPI, Filesystem API, the openDirectoryPicker of ... /Bug/:

Re: Visual Studio Project Generation

2014-02-20 Thread Yuan Xulei()
That's really good! I'm looking forward to eclipse project generation feature. Yuan On 02/19/2014 03:28 AM, Gregory Szorc wrote: The tree (only inbound so far) now has (alpha) support for generating Visual Studio Project files. Features: * IntelliSense works * Build from within Visual Studio

Re: How to observe selection range within input element

2013-08-28 Thread Yuan Xulei()
n Cheers, Jim [1] On 8/28/13 5:24 AM, "Yuan Xulei(袁徐磊)" wrote: Hi all, I'm implementing b2g keyboard/IME api and encounter a problem with the selection range observing. We want to mo

How to observe selection range within input element

2013-08-28 Thread Yuan Xulei()
Hi all, I'm implementing b2g keyboard/IME api and encounter a problem with the selection range observing. We want to monitor the cursor position or selection range changes in current input element, which is a text input field or a content editable element receiving user's input. The cursor posit