Recent gcc adds a warning, -Wclass-memaccess, that warns if you use memset or
similar on a non-trivial type -- in other words, a type that requires something
be done to initialize instances of it (set fields, call a user-defined
constructor, init a vptr, etc.). The reason is that initialize-by-
In bug 1460295[1], I intend to stop triggering DOMAttrModified event as well as
the general event DOMSubtreeModified for changes on style attribute via CSSOM
by default. This behavior will be controlled by a pref
"dom.mutation-events.cssom.disabled" so that we can revert it if necessary.
Hi everyone!
The next meeting of the C++ Standards Committee will be June 4-9 in
Rapperswil, Switzerland.
This is going to be a pivotal meeting, with go / no-go decisions
expected for several highly-anticipated C++20 features, including a
subset of Modules; Coroutines; Ranges; and "natural syntax
In an ES6 module, |import.meta| is new syntax that evaluates to an object that
provides module-specific metadata from by the host environment.
Currently only the 'url' property is provided, which is the base URL of the
executing module. This allows modules to locate resources relative to the
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