Arun Khetarpal created ZEPPELIN-2913:
Summary: ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm to support creating a role for
system user
Key: ZEPPELIN-2913
Hi -
I think the ask is that currently it seems that activeDirectoryGroupRealm
maps each active directory group to a shiro role. Later we can authorize
urls with roles in our urls section of shiro file.
Our problem is that we don't really have an admin group handy in our AD -
due to which there i
> I have an improved version of solution b.
> You can copy interpreter-setting.json (with modified zeppelin.livy.url) to
> ZEPPELIN_HOME/interpreter/livy/ to override the default one.
> Arun Khetarpal 于2017年3月15日周三 下午10:43写道:
> > Hi Jeff -
> >
to me, do you have multiple instances of livy server ? If
> there is only one livy server, then you just need to change it one time.
> If you have multiple livy instances, you always need to update
> zeppelin.livy.url no matter through interpreter setting ui or
> programmatically.
the scenario is clear, but i can explain more.
On 15 March 2017 at 12:58, Jeff Zhang wrote:
> Why is it inconvenient for you ? If you have multiple livy servers, you can
> create multiple livy interpreters for each livy server in interpreter
> setting page.
t; set zeppelin.livy.url in interpreter setting page.
> quickstart/explorezeppelinui.html#settings
> Arun Khetarpal 于2017年3月15日周三 上午3:16写道:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to setup the livy interpreter
I am trying to setup the livy interpreter in zeppelin.
For this, i have set zeppelin.livy.url property in zeppelin-site.xml - but
in Zeppelin ui, the property of interpreter is still set to default.
Alternatively, i tried also setting it as export result