On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 20:44:52 +0200
Страхиња Радић wrote:
Dear Страхиња,
> If anyone wants to use other software, by all means they should.
> There's nothing wrong with that, but on the other side, that
> shouldn't influence suckless programs.
I completely agree with that. Popularity should neve
> Wrong. I'd argue that the "user experience" in most programs that suck is
> worse
> than the "user experience" using suckless programs. That's one of the reasons
> we
> call them like that - "programs that suck" and "suckless programs".
> I believe we already discussed this about four mont
> On 21/10/26 04:48, Sagar Acharya wrote:
>> That's a bit more primitive. It can go a bit more vibrant wrt fonts, colors,
>> break points for mobile, tablet which would still be minimal in my view. I'm
>> approaching such simplicity from the other complex end which most people
>> prefer, unfor
> On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 07:35:01AM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
>> I assume you mean writing css straight into html file itself. Kamitkami is
>> not meant for css that we write. One can use if one uses 1 single style file
>> which turns gigantic when used across many html files.
>> It's mea
On 21/10/26 08:32, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> People like what they feel. Majority of people out there aren't coders.
> Majority of coders just code to earn and would gladly just accept what their
> company pushes to them. These people just like convenience. As much as we'd
> like them to accept a bit
On 21/10/26 05:22, Nick wrote:
> Quoth Страхиња Радић:
> > This is what a web page should be:
> >
> > http://motherfuckingwebsite.com/
> When I load that in tor browser with js disabled (my default setup
> these days), I get a 20741 byte page with the title "Captcha" and no
> content except a
On 21/10/26 04:48, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> That's a bit more primitive. It can go a bit more vibrant wrt fonts, colors,
> break points for mobile, tablet which would still be minimal in my view. I'm
> approaching such simplicity from the other complex end which most people
> prefer, unfortunately.
Quoth Страхиња Радић:
> This is what a web page should be:
> http://motherfuckingwebsite.com/
When I load that in tor browser with js disabled (my default setup
these days), I get a 20741 byte page with the title "Captcha" and no
content except an eternally rotating image.
The web is beyond
2021-10-25 20:36 GMT+02:00, Sagar Acharya :
> Hello,
> I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which takes
> 2 inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named bar_foo.css which
> contains only the css which applies to the particular html page . This will
> make cs
This is what a web page should be:
This is less minimal, more readable, but still not plagued by "frameworks" and
"web coding" (uggh!). This is as far as web should go, ideally:
There is nothing to gain from "minifying" CSS
I assume you mean writing css straight into html file itself. Kamitkami is not
meant for css that we write. One can use if one uses 1 single style file which
turns gigantic when used across many html files.
It's meant for using css frameworks like cirrus. I use cirrus by stanley lim
and it's gig
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 07:35:01AM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> I assume you mean writing css straight into html file itself. Kamitkami is
> not meant for css that we write. One can use if one uses 1 single style file
> which turns gigantic when used across many html files.
> It's meant for usin
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 08:36:31PM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which takes 2
> inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named bar_foo.css which
> contains only the css which applies to the particular html page . This will
I'm making this software called kamitkami. It's a python script which takes 2
inputs foo.html and bar.css and outputs a css file named bar_foo.css which
contains only the css which applies to the particular html page . This will
make css extremely minimal and page loading faster.
This c
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