On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 04:14:04PM +, and...@krutt.org wrote:
> To reproduce run `slock & slock`. The first gets the password and
> exits, but
> the second did not manage to grab keyboard and mouse. The actual bug
> is that
> it did not understand that it didn't, so it just hangs there and
> k
Thanks Andres for the contribution. Hopefully Anselm will get the time
to review and merge in your code.
Just wanted to quickly mention that
https://github.com/scklss/slock/commits/master is now
Unfortunately github don't have any mechanisms to mov
To reproduce run `slock & slock`. The first gets the password and
exits, but
the second did not manage to grab keyboard and mouse. The actual bug is
it did not understand that it didn't, so it just hangs there and keeps
screen blank unitl it is killed.
A patch for this is attatched. I