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2014-11-21 Thread doa379

[dev] Unsubscribe

2014-11-21 Thread doa379

Re: [dev] Operating system choice

2014-11-19 Thread doa379
There's an incredible amount of spam and OT on this list isn't there! On 19/11/14 21:27, Lee Fallat wrote: On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote: Which of these aren't available on OpenBSD in your opinion? I think OpenBSD has most of what I listed, but lacks hardware

Re: [dev] c++-style comments [was fsbm]

2014-11-07 Thread doa379
koneu wrote: You disgust me. You are an official nominee for the 2014 suckless award. Stay tuned! Cheers FRIGN Shouldn't that be the 2014 suckless-less award? Someone's logic is clearly in question.