If efficiency is not a concern, then you can easily use something like
this (just a quick prototype, didn't verify if it's correct or not):
Thanks for the free code :)
I think that will be the way to go in my case, since most input will be
ascii and moving the cursor will be quite
This is a really good suggestion, but I think it may add a lot of
since it would need to go through the entire buffer, and since moving
cursor is not very frequent (not more than changing you position or
opening a new buffer), I think it would be better to do it the "lazy"
On Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 02:08:03PM -0300, atrtar...@cock.li wrote:
> Quite inefficient really, but I guess it's fine since my usage would be
> only user input (left arrow)
If efficiency is not a concern, then you can easily use something like
this (just a quick prototype, didn't verify if it's cor
Hi atrtarget,
I thought I'd chip in my two cents.
1. Regarding stepping backwards throught the graphemes:
As Laslo explained, trying to find the starting point of the previous
grapheme is simply not possible.
In your situation, if scanning from the front of the string is too
inefficient for you,
Thank you a lot for spending some time answering!
The problem with this heuristic is that the algorithm can become very
inefficient, especially when you have long preceding segments. If n is
the offset-length, the worst-case runtime could be O((n-1)!) for a
segment that is in fact of length n-1,
looks nice.
here's my mini-effort; the jsonifycsv bit.
at the least, i should cross-advertise.
cheers, Greg
Hi all,
I would like to share the 1.0 release of my project json2tsv.
json2tsv is a tool to convert JSON to TSV.
json2tsv reads JSON data from stdin. It outputs each JSON type to a TAB-
Separated Value format per line by default. A different field and record
separator can be set (than a TAB and
On Thu, 01 Sep 2022 21:43:06 -0300
atrtar...@cock.li wrote:
Dear atrtarget,
thanks for reaching out!
> libgrapheme looks really useful, but I still don't get some things
> from it. For example, if I need to get back one grapheme, how should
> I do it since there's no `grapheme_prev_character_bre