Does nobuf(1) help?
Note: it tackles exactly the POSIX feature to line buffer output to
tty's by providing one to the program in the pipeline, but without using
any shared-object magic.
Have not used it (yet) though.
Best Regards
Just a heads up,
I tampered around with redo-c. Find it at
- Captures stdout of do files in the target file.
- Does not create an empty target if $3 is empty. This allows for
"phony" targets and protects against silly mistakes.
- Truncates targets
On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 11:33 AM Laslo Hunhold wrote:
> What functions do you need in the context of Tuxmath?
>From what I remember, it just needs to figure out where to do a clean
break for text wrapping with internationalized strings. Don't believe
it uses the other features of libunistring.