On Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 12:06:18AM +0200, LuX wrote:
I tried right this without success. For example the single command:
wmiir read /tag/sel/index | awk '$2 == ENVIRON["area"] { print $4; exit }'
answers nothing (empty string) which is not good, I suppose.
Thank you very much for the hint any
> Message de Kris Maglione: lun. 26/07/10, 19:46:43 -0400
> In the sh wmiirc, you'd probably do something like,
> master_width=800
> master_tags='foo|bar'
> ...
> Event AreaFocus if wi_seltag | grep $master_tags >/dev/null; then
> export area=$1
I must say I don't have skills for patching anything and don't even have a
sufficient english background to review publications, but I would really
like to help (test stuff?), so keep me (us?) in touch!
Another, sort of related question: how has it worked out with the
static binaries of 9base etc built with bionic?
I was thinking, perhaps a "static binary repository" could be a good start :)
2010/7/31 Anselm R Garbe :
> Hi Krankkatze,
> On 31 July 2010 19:43, Krankkatze wrote:
>> I'm very int
Hi Krankkatze,
On 31 July 2010 19:43, Krankkatze wrote:
> I'm very interested in the sta.li project and would like to know if the
> project is still active or not, and if any help could be brought. Thanks!
It's inactive atm, but I did plenty work in the sta.li area that is
still unpublished, als
I'm very interested in the sta.li project and would like to know if the
project is still active or not, and if any help could be brought. Thanks!
On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 01:46:02PM +0300, hiro wrote:
Yes, you can. fontconfig is purely a client-side library. On the
other hand, Xft requires it, and therefore so does everything
built on GTK, Qt, FLTK, or Java. More sinister, ghostscript also
requires it, and so does xetex (most distressingly)
> Yes, you can. fontconfig is purely a client-side library. On the
> other hand, Xft requires it, and therefore so does everything
> built on GTK, Qt, FLTK, or Java. More sinister, ghostscript also
> requires it, and so does xetex (most distressingly). It will be
> a bad day when I meet Kieth Packa
By the way - the Bash dependency seems to be relatively "downstream"
and might be resolved.
I have this funny effect now that I can not log in from the slim DM,
but i can log into the console started from slim (but not start an x
I think this might be solvable :) (found some interesting c