> Consumer receive:
1. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 0
2. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 1
3. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 0 // chunk ID out of order. Release this
chunk and recycle its `chunkedMsgCtx`.
4. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 1 // chunkedMsgCtx == null Release it.
5. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 2 // chunkedMsgCtx
>Regarding this comment, can you explain how the consumer only receives m1?
>Here, m1's and m2's uuid and msgId will be different(if we suffix with a
>chunkingSessionId), although the sequence ID is the same.
They have the same sequence ID, so the first chunk will be dropped
because the sequence I
>> Consumer receive:
>1. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 0
>2. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 1
>3. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 0 // chunk ID out of order. Release this
>chunk and recycle its `chunkedMsgCtx`.
>4. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 1 // chunkedMsgCtx == null Release it.
>5. SequenceID: 0, ChunkID: 2 // chunked
> Hi Zike
You can see the processMessageChunk method of the ConsumerImpl.
Ah. That seems like a regression bug introduced by
https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18511. I have pushed a PR to fix
it: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/21070
For the behavior before Pulsar 3.0.0. The consumer sh
Hi Zike,
PR [0] has already fixed this bug and won't introduce compatibility issues.
PR [1] is unnecessary and can be closed. However, I still greatly
appreciate the information you provided.
[0] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/20948
[1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/21070
On Sat,
Share more information: Even for versions before 3.0.0, the approach
doesn't assemble chunks 3, 4, and 5 together.
Please note this line of code:
chunkedMsgCtx = chunkedMessagesMap.computeIfAbsent(msgMetadata.getUuid(),
(key) -> ChunkedMessageCtx.get(totalChunks,