consensus for considering option [1] now. Does this mean that making a PIP
make no much sense?Thanks,Roc
At 2022-04-07 22:16:40, "Dave Fisher" wrote:
>Hi -
>> On Apr 7, 2022, at 6:22 AM, Roc Marshal wrote:
>> Hi Pulsar community,
[1] Migrate TestNg Assertion to AssertJ Completely
[2] Just Introduce AssertJ assertion API into new test cases.
Please let me know what's your opinion on [1] or [2], or other options
from you.
Roc Marshal.
statement of the assertion parts, not the
whole test framework.
- Roc Marshal.
At 2022-03-17 21:50:59, "Zixuan Liu" wrote:
>Thanks Roc,
>Your idea sounds great, the AssertJ is powerful, but I don't recommend
>going this path.
>1. There are already two
old test cases, which can greatly reduce the probability of conflict.
- Roc Marshal.
At 2022-03-17 03:46:28, "Lari Hotari" wrote:
>I support the switch to AssertJ.
>Some automated tooling might be useful for doing the bulk of the migration.
>AssertJ prov
Custom assertions extension
Core assertion guide
Let me know what you think and I'm happy to answer all questions. Any
suggestions are appreciated.