The original PIP-63 doc in
have talked about the motivation and key changes to implement this proposal.
After submitting the PR (, I have
learned that it's not quite use
I'm totally +1 for the feature to check if we can get message immediately
from consumer, this is to say we have message locally.
In my understanding, it's useful to implement some user-defined order to
consume messages among different topics, in your case, the "distributed flow
control ability
Can this method
"org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerBase#getTotalIncomingMessages" do the
trick? Though you have to change the type to ConsumerBase.
And maybe `peek` is more suitable and useful to add to the Consumer interface??
-- Original --
Hi Pulsar Community,
I would like to propose a new feature for consumer, seek by index.
Currently we can reset the read position of a cursor by message id or
Since we formerly introduced index in broker metadata since 2.8.0,
reset cursor by index is very useful in some use cases.
get merged into the master branch.
> 2021??9??28?? ????10:04??JiangHaiting
> Thanks,
> Haiting Jiang (Github:Jason918)
Haiting Jiang (Github: Jason918)
Hi Pulsar Community,
I'm glad to have this opportunity to propose this PIP.
Currently we can reset the read position of a cursor by message id or
Since we formerly introduced index in broker metadata since 2.9.0,
reset cursor by index is very helpful in other protocol handler (KoP