Agreed that dispatcher is a performance sensitive piece of code. Feel bad
to hear that DLQ causes GC. Are there any issues tracking those items you
guys identified with DLQ changes?
> How is this different from a subscription running behind?
As far as I understand form the discussion at #3155, I
Delayed subscription is simpler, and probably worth doing in the broker IF
done right.
How is this different from a subscription running behind? Why does
supporting that require this complex a change in the dispatcher, when we
already support backlogged subscribers?
I am extremely wary of change
Hi all,
I am going to wrap up the discussion regarding delayed delivery use cases.
For arbitrary delayed delivery, there are a few +1s to doing PIP-26 in
functions. I am assuming that we will go down this path, unless there are
other proposals.
However there is a use case Lovelle pointed out abo