> On Jul 14, 2016, at 11:39 AM, Jesse Gross <je...@kernel.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:44 PM, Elzur, Uri <uri.el...@intel.com> wrote:
>> +1 on starting w MD Type = 1
>> Not sure I understand the concern expressed with " implementations that 
>> don't implement TLVs will become deployed and  then when there is a use for 
>> them it's no longer possible." - why will it not be possible to add MD 
>> Type=2 later?
> As I said, it's a classic problem with IP options. Classic enough that
> people frequently content that TLVs are not usable at all because they
> don't get implemented which then becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.
Jesse, the issue with IPv4 options has nothing do the actual option(s) but 
rather the "cost" associated with the handling, particularly in hardware, of 
variable length packets.  

> I think I've been extremely clear on this matter. I also think that
> I've been extremely consistent - I think I've said the same thing on
> every review of this patch series, so it should not exactly be a
> surprise. However, the bottom line is I want to see a complete
> implementation of the protocol and not a half measure that will catch
> people by surprise or limit future usage. That seems 100% reasonable
> to me.

The adopted NSH draft clearly states that type-1 support in mandatory, and that 
type-2 support is optional.  As such the OVS patches are compliant.  Having 
said that, the current code also supports skipping the type-2 based on the 
length of NSH conveyed in the first word of the header.  This, I believe, 
constitutes support: type-2 NSH packets, if used, are supported: the type-2 
info is skipped and OVS functions as expected.  

It appears that your definition of support differs from that, can you expand on 
it please?

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