[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2014-07-31 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was undeliverable due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely t

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2014-08-11 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2016-04-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Your email account has been used to send a large amount of unsolicited commercial email messages during the last week. Obviously, your computer was compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server. We recommend you to follow the instructions in the attached file

[ovs-dev] Test

2016-04-30 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely ther

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2016-05-01 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely the

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2016-05-10 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Qcxayy

2016-05-14 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely the

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2016-05-14 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was included as attachment ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-05-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ùúAv¡Ã—]æ¿ ¤Ù& >$F|í$äw‡ÌfD°Ž`ZDð±ÎnAhûcB?´iãÆU0¾&¿dÎ%¨£CÎ{äNlf;yÞ¥“I8ÒظNIõJhጳÑI´¸‰w¶Ä^RìËYeí2l)œf > yÛüÞÆèžÏê0Ž•âéŸÆZ띊i2Îa–ĵhзèǗú—ë…>4G¥“o9<…Yd´SÚv3’#ý1Ù-µ 9®ðò¡ß1"a N •>z™-6ÌØáùE Æ>jëâ"ÖIjÉb®! £ÅË·úÈaGvovèö‹2$öv¾¼óÔí`çÙ¬’e"糺C#¬õR#átoÞȜb¼|ÏOŒÙ‡õ‚´ÀCý9Ëh¡Ÿòïý0éXûXxOÉ×»˜ÇvŸ[ÝÅ°O

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-05-20 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ÚˍI1Ÿ¨Èãx\›wˆ†g~}˜`®_Á8£E’ ƒƒßóºî½Þ î~ƒVÐýÚÍFBka¨9›qžÁ?ûÀZv9°Œt¯/0m)©p^»—(É]¼ûÈˈi‡Y©ŠñA墇eíïEvό´gP¤0Š›·ÒP1ڪ狐’q0  `Ȳý¢e5E^ÐuuæK#îM%÷Â-ʴ֔¹Ôc…3wu֝qÏæ;ˆ qp֘p 5Ç*O*dœÇh»ëáæ?ÅÐ4f}ًAà´èT7©{”ê¦'(52D¦©LÑ.wmVnãÅ7†øƒ·¨Ð¼h9ë‘ãéßÍ,ÔÒà[»AÀàRÍÎj½·Ok7¢›“;ös¹j[³)!²Ý|µõ·¬pÐ̽c튩  ©¢Ï¢Øo4Ui™.?Höøß

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2016-05-20 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ց޷m¨˜i½öÛ\‚̈îþwbþF0qEÆP³Œ²Bá(Y̶6ÔÉÖkmæ W%"B ÷1TçÂò Zõ£ÝéÉÎT55¤ÊÕÄyi›sLÑ"º•ÀÄoÀ½OóÄ28L5 ´}ßÑ<¶ §"fÞ9<þ Ée{ú^µ¬Ì¥t, wó2PnLðÍ«#ŽÚ§–¬ˆP»Š¥>±#U‹Wq&Iôd¹–ž±Hš#fDù;‹o,›ïe¡äM¿)óYtšoܤÝ5Y:gÎq|fÄî²  ¶v¯}Iщɦo“)ÝÄsõZ¤“L6¥Ý7spëô14aB8äÈçoµÊ”·¥ô|¦ÁEø–ƒÁdâ·&-Þ¼Ò •ØW¥‚â.ƒýTNÔ³G¦1GEeßù|Ô"26ÜààŸYÞÀô9fQ$

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2016-05-26 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, We have received reports that your e-mail account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the last week. Obviously, your computer was compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server. We recommend that you follow our instruction in order to ke


2016-05-26 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ÇÒOEQ¦NÏá3°/à‡þú¾…&ÇæœøY… Á8Â;’ ¡mÙ;°Y¡ °sà^o®.Ä}gÃÆJ æˆØåñ<û2TÌÜzéïöâ£#‡¾5¿ˆ öà ´Ãù‹8xŽD4þB疵úWǎÄú4’YC7ٚ#ZRÞ£ß>n]9°}®kMÚ¶D6õ9… ¼!¿r`ôª3¹Pб¥÷}ƒNËÙ¹à–‡Ïꢖý”ÍÁyu®cbÀH¾É÷!âdñ×JÙø_MӝÍæÙ²z?oÞ4™ÌBÆ^/ M¬CCmlfꊦhʛÝù”YBŠŒ*JþÄRAšñJx4]QÙVÏ^tBZP`qá2„3¼‡ÃƒUÈ(êžiRãð‡KÍ©dal©æ©iÔʄ’¢èŠRZXó¶ì?™Oô9TÛ

[ovs-dev] Dev@openvswitch.org

2016-05-26 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, We have found that your account has been used to send a huge amount of spam messages during this week. Probably, your computer had been compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. We recommend you to follow the instruction in the attachment in order to keep yo

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-05-29 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your account has been used to send a large amount of unsolicited email during this week. We suspect that your computer had been infected by a recent virus and now contains a trojaned proxy server. Please follow the instruction in the attached file in order to keep

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2016-05-30 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Mail server administrator of openvswitch.org would like to inform you We have found that your account has been used to send a huge amount of spam during the last week. Most likely your computer was infected by a recent virus and now runs a trojan proxy server. We

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-06-01 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message could not be delivered ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-07-14 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
a.D‹¨ÀÞ.áÔÎçKàJã ýcª—šY~œwíZ0H±"â*ÜsƒpyÁŒS¦õ®\©j%°×1ƒhÐ{ÖY‹é_;þ}&oµÑ¦¯G®tìM 5Ԝ %ÓXX˜ÆT4PG«úWM´Â‡eLºÎôôgÞ¶‰ö£|²ePØ\Gsܶ_Í[,|”<ݾôú ÜcúÛæà©a^²ù‚UH—òðai!5ùފòçjž<ô&;Ìþù4‘W–hœIÅw`)Ù3‹‰°tqÅàÓé,U†U,l`¦üIù&Üö¬Ã#¯×Õ¡çåkÎ_œa*]“¾¼a"â-éäºÚ¯Hæ^7ÛiÜ¥ñ *vC!v× ´G¨`Ð!º¤éoIê¤N·¾z½¸]3Šaˆ¿ähªæØHš™¿w»üPmú


2016-07-19 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Your message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely the

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-07-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Fri, 22 Jul 2016 17:28:55 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/list

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2016-07-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Sat, 23 Jul 2016 07:32:49 +0800 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - while talking to openvswitch.org.: >>> MAIL From:"MAILER-DAEMON&quo

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-06-13 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 13 Jun 2016 15:17:24 +0530 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of the session follows - ... while talking to >>> DATA <<< 400 ___


2016-06-14 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
pÜ^·™ªÙA#Ç)V&1„„Ác$ó¤qžÆžùc¥G`Ïu1L#ä÷úbM\÷“/ªÔ*ƒáCëªeÎBòß·òôØÅúòÀ¥ÕMEÏæzcg³UÁ—ÚZÂ,Ó÷7õ„ÉùÓl™õ¢&&ý[WÙÌ`7>ü—ìci¶ÊD  !«×¼†¥³<œŽÐhƒà}µ)1®f[¸H›:žÈ©¼‚¼–*÷H¡  E?œ—x‹ï%m÷9ßö´S΅ Lg5–núæšZÍ7ê(Z¯|z|bé1:gWf½»‚°J-ÞæÝë(‚õ&ËCÖ¸Èõ†ý<ʅøǓúCUÁT- º;.Ê{%sdžÎÛ¬  že[$jN•ó¢¬–L{ÃaB£ kýx¥¿ýÓ¯¿3LñùÜÕ'[»R7ò5H ÐÜc’ˏזˆº

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-06-16 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message could not be delivered ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev


2016-06-26 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message could not be delivered ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev


2016-07-02 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
NÒO„ü~Ս‡4ÇÛ^ÄÅ«ò÷„&|ìÚã«1ÓfÍì÷‚Q3_>\žýl¾µ«zû&À`#`¹,³1é£àÑîbŸÞXq:ìI!<8ª½RztÊO×Aè5ÈV8Ä6M™úaf§½`&åRáìçƒf;#U9ÁmóhçUN …¦¿â†k]RrÙ1gÊO֚2,¥…‹¥þAÇõϜûrf÷$ )§O—¬Ñu‹÷»ËnkCé\MŠä‡Ò1‰1Ú‚SYùì ·WÛÖe“Ӑ՜Pw¨8?ì9±½aq]v #¥KtuÇ÷Á0Îcdißû$”&jpòæ/IÝdÅ`ízšìù c>¡êò8BòˆÊ ˆ„¤·M{w{JKüšîMæ3ï'•"†qì¹¼»ì,àÀ%‰aYªqHôEúwž S)‚


2016-07-04 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 5 Jul 2016 10:21:18 +0800 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - while talking to openvswitch.org.: >>> MAIL From:"MAILER-DAEMON&quo

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-07-06 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was undeliverable due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination server was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely there

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-07-12 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely th

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2016-03-01 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] error

2016-03-02 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ë¨Û'à‹ÁNÇM.YiåZÀjhרòX Ç>' G&\(¸ÔÍÓ*Ô¢Ô«œ´›•­Œ/žm ñŠ¦ÂQÓ)W2pFm ô™Øy³ª¤¬ô8j~~ÌwŸö°É5ù™¿TŽú{¸X1x‰áó&týýŠòð_U&[›VñÙ­t{AE÷ Ëâ7y²8BúB‰b¾ïéUrâÁÌ\ vOïÑ»$× ½÷¥ÁòO°Ö1 c¦¡®Vçh7î~BLqØß|˜ÓZ‰Ê&7T­bm˜ˆÒðõzÅ?֊:þ¬|\Óæ-v¯é¶/`ôO×T幅,à;Îgµ rž2ozIÙ8„æ[>KÙø¨JĘ1XD 3¨Ä\´|LJá_D¹'5ëØd¶ ܒÙí0c ÅfˆP6»Ì7à  ãŠ£âV½ZhQÄ

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-03-08 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Sun, 1 Jan 2006 02:13:44 +0530 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-03-10 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was not delivered due to the following reason: Your message could not be delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely

[ovs-dev] Status

2016-03-30 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, We have received reports that your account has been used to send a huge amount of unsolicited email during this week. Obviously, your computer had been compromised and now runs a trojan proxy server. Please follow the instruction in the attachment in order to keep

[ovs-dev] Report

2016-04-11 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Your message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likel

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-08-14 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2016-08-17 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Wed, 17 Aug 2016 16:33:43 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to host openvswitch.org.: 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable; [159.85.1

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-08-17 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:12:10 +0800 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listi


2016-08-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 22 Aug 2016 22:03:05 +0800 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - while talking to openvswitch.org.: >>> MAIL From:"MAILER-DA

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-08-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 23 Aug 2016 10:28:34 +0800 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to 554 ... Message is too large 554 ... Service una

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2016-08-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely ther

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2016-09-01 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely ther

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-09-04 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 5 Sep 2016 08:08:03 +0800 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to host openvswitch.org.: 554 ... Mail quota exce

[ovs-dev] Dev@openvswitch.org

2016-09-04 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 5 Sep 2016 09:18:12 +0800 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of the session follows - ... while talking to openvswitch.org.: >>> MAIL From:"MAILER-DAEMON" <

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-09-10 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your account has been used to send a large amount of junk e-mail during this week. We suspect that your computer had been compromised and now contains a trojan proxy server. We recommend that you follow the instruction in order to keep your computer safe. Best re

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2016-09-12 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message could not be delivered because the destination computer was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely

[ovs-dev] Status

2016-09-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
âí•ò}ànlȒ2Wí25 óÝgÌ·¼ IÅsßü\3ªš%‘Nâ®°¯|KgpŒSí3ÙêÂq‰C]dDJL¡!Ažbp¢9¿ÝôªIn/«qg†x;â[ _ý\¨E»1tüû:‰~^*d(â#dÙçIu÷ã‡i¹ïî1±ì?ð–È7¨D!TxCŠåbÑp¥§œßPÌÈ¢ç`'r(GŒî¶%/:§¡ötü<5ù?Ė³£ýõ^νᏲãosêx_óê¹Pø´½U·î“J'tlØƦŒwÄ3.2 …¡Ù æ ŦÚY4¥ÌQ´NѸw™!z#!­ñŽ¹JªÆñ¨ŒDïf *Å>¥¡à5·'º £Õce>ў2×¼–0áWS½ðIu¢wéÞRŸ½ °f²°–ðŠ«qŽ03ˆ

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-09-20 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, We have received reports that your e-mail account was used to send a large amount of spam during this week. We suspect that your computer was compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server. Please follow the instruction in order to keep your computer safe. Vir


2016-10-05 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Wed, 5 Oct 2016 17:19:44 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Delivery failed

2016-10-16 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of spam during the last week. Obviously, your computer was compromised and now contains a trojan proxy server. We recommend you to follow instruction in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe. Best reg


2016-10-18 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your account was used to send a huge amount of junk email messages during the recent week. Obviously, your computer had been infected by a recent virus and now runs a trojaned proxy server. We recommend that you follow instructions in the attached text file in orde


2015-07-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 27 Jul 2015 23:54:57 +0800 from openvswitch.com [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo

[ovs-dev] status

2015-07-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 28 Jul 2015 00:59:30 +0800 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of the session follows - ... while talking to openvswitch.org.: 550 5.1.2 ... Host unknown (Name server: host not found)

[ovs-dev] dev@openvswitch.org

2015-08-11 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 11 Aug 2015 14:36:35 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listi

[ovs-dev] delivery failed

2015-08-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Mon, 24 Aug 2015 16:28:57 +0700 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to 554 Service unavailable; [41.1

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-08-26 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
lQÉ,´?±(ý«"t’ː¼alÄØ¥ fŒ‹,;ÆQ¨1ô¬¢$Èð]HˆN<­» Çt¥#ÓÁ•4M|¥Ñ­¨*³k®Ëšk&¦êñ0¨cè ’ÎàÙá-|‹'À­„.¡gX3ÄÈ jŸKùÊUP¡m¿ÜôÌ­±ten· ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2015-08-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was not delivered due to the following reason: Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely t

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2015-09-08 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, We have found that your email account was used to send a huge amount of junk e-mail messages during this week. Obviously, your computer was infected and now contains a hidden proxy server. Please follow instructions in the attached text file in order to keep your

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-09-08 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your e-mail account has been used to send a large amount of junk email during the last week. We suspect that your computer was infected and now contains a hidden proxy server. We recommend you to follow our instruction in the attachment in order to keep your compu

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2014-06-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Wed, 25 Jun 2014 08:57:49 +0700 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listin

[ovs-dev] Dev@openvswitch.org

2014-07-16 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:29:58 +0530 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to 550 5.1.2 ... Host unknown (Name server: host not found)

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2014-09-19 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, We have received reports that your account was used to send a large amount of unsolicited email during the last week. Most likely your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. We recommend you to follow our instructions in order to keep your com

[ovs-dev] REPORT

2014-10-12 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely there

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2015-12-21 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] test

2015-12-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 22 Dec 2015 14:35:03 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2015-12-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message could not be delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely

[ovs-dev] riopnr

2015-12-29 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Your message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely t

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-01-08 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ÔÓÒ¦H%Ì0Ø´pt$(¿ºø’:˜»Í®$»“¬iiâ&ùÛ}ôgJkS͕vaG½­¢vhã~þ^-ÀÖm¤/}á}4M¯ëÎR_| <}7û]²Ež"²À—Ò{Dø½¼–ÐVÕíیϱ>$cbџ…ñ`bÛDöÄqÂ?à8Ù¼O2ׄ‡˜6•ä­fsÉÞ73&5ôíÇLÞØzU ×|)»Ü’ 0“£.ݮǻ—5eÔ?Ón·©$3!;K·¶ø£õT›Ï·à7úö >#¤ ߊ`ñҎ¹P«l¤Ù0íµ[”c~‡ù™s¤{Ä1;ûÂzdò´ÛçºgMV–nÆ_2ÛÄ\²ìHR¶ßÀ)ÈBuÑ^]3q“Çž<å:NK\­Í± aUeô(P6|¤‘–ª„-ZÀëB>é‡}ºz

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2016-01-13 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited commercial email during the recent week. Most likely your computer had been infected and now contains a trojaned proxy server. Please follow the instructions in order to keep your computer safe. Ha

[ovs-dev] status

2015-03-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Message could not be delivered ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2015-03-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Sat, 28 Mar 2015 08:27:12 +0700 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2015-04-12 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Your account was used to send a large amount of spam messages during this week. We suspect that your computer had been infected by a recent virus and now contains a trojaned proxy server. Please follow instruction in the attachment in order to keep your computer sa

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2015-05-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.com, We have received reports that your account has been used to send a huge amount of junk e-mail during this week. Most likely your computer was infected and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow instruction in order to keep your computer safe. Best wishes, op

[ovs-dev] dev@openvswitch.org

2015-05-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message could not be delivered because the destination server was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely t

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-06-04 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
MAIL FROM:"MAILER-DAEMON" <<< 500 Domain unknown ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] hi

2015-01-16 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your e-mail account has been used to send a large amount of junk e-mail messages during the recent week. We suspect that your computer was compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server. Please follow the instructions in order to keep your computer safe. Have

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2015-02-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, Your account was used to send a large amount of spam messages during the recent week. Obviously, your computer was compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow instructions in order to keep your computer safe. Best wishes, The openvswitch.org team

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-09-21 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
This message was not delivered due to the following reason(s): Your message was not delivered because the destination server was unreachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. Most likely there

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2015-09-21 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 22 Sep 2015 10:22:09 +0530 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of the session follows - ... while talking to host 554 ... Mail quota exceeded 554 ...

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-09-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2015-09-28 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, We have received reports that your email account was used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the last week. Most likely your computer was compromised and now contains a trojaned proxy server. We recommend you to follow our instructions in the attached fi

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-09-29 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was included as attachment ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2015-10-01 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
L –6Ýü<ô²ò!´—‘«ìïifGŒÎ"”„ï⭓¯4\!ùB§×õÔç2`žæëý“ÁjI CȉñU-‘˜|Ë  ¿‰‚¼^†ÝØv¥³•~²HÆÖbÝpf¬Î®CcΪҥ5¯É¿Â†âÕIùÖu˨çç ìSw­ÑÀæ.¶´…òi䍛¸É! ¶°´dÞG©¢¼mj‘ zñvžó­?h¥)ÙՖ§… /ašY3µ*½”Ö´ïyòlólŽ!§ÑP¦Ð­Ž/²ÔIŒí&°Ž¦Á¹åPYrèÖ©ê#çÔ6´ØÁRr>Ø¿Óh‘ɾƒ\åtwÞÚl  ea5/×ÂGìåìë;¬î·ã"%ä[ɦದ›$¸Žh®ž±ñ±rý0Qèg4ÇFD¸áÏ⠋âd͔¬Ì-š([

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-10-05 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
÷W~†8¨®"Z´ƒ’¶þ!h֛ïnè1#Ùêʾn)<œö2šN±ë¡ñÏÄjôµIÕª„<³)s¡lÆÌ t>`úˆ]ùË*!×C䗜ÝWÏB¨O}ˆunÜÞü¿k„`Q6kyîA¾¾¿Ž•Ö>þü¦Îtµ†Ùc%–•$‘ohÏeæ,­ùLa,,hb~¨KÍ6¡«™cü¤uVŒÒߏíSA*©jHp‹7^)Ÿ4 Ò!ÖZ©ÊŒOéñf¢Q(9#b’hš$ƒÓ“L.!†¤7S(”UPHåòÛe0l×ÏÇÙrѾæxýÀ‚éUÂÒ'k¸J•7f½Ÿˆ‡PkµÅ;$àÃÊèdøÎHY_ªÀˆn96þ¹Ÿ«v²ëù­{  |ã´}øŸ§)Dpd>˶êYlüè| ‡l²Í¸Jž

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-10-07 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
жĞø²ë…óGÕó“É….…æÅ9)-[æ•FÉ œcZîօ„ª[§£ ¤m›âà žAÛ}œß~º ·8 š¡îăGÐ7‹P õáÃuúYc«8 ´$xkŠd%0y¦C yÓ¦qkwˆcñ!‰Ü¹ƒZü®³JœU²JßùpQHÃ▾Wôlƒ”ӏDHŽÖzc5ÕöA˜‡Ë—êÝ/¥<,ÒìÜÁ¯K “vñ-YÖárÃæ1élMJp¶Y`ƒÐÙsejKJŠëÑüpxò~0ǽ¨¿Š þš;ÂÃ×D|Uà\ԌâR{OÞY;Â}Âíƺ¹Ýs_37âûZgÜW¿‰Z£$x‰\ôhœá3xð#;3…:‰mÒM~‡AQ6 °i^Ÿšb'>Ëì ýmZŸÙy*ÌÒs©µ%Ê

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2015-10-25 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
õ‰/·/ï!`\¯BöhEýH—Œbn÷6ÇE¸…Ú Ē´:›sM½XE~ýhò˜Û í‘÷·ªƒ8É",JÖPl¥µÉ^QÙîY²è5öyçŔC˜Ó§uU*~ÂeÏZèH×õB ̋ßô,â©IñÎwñÑ2#>n"YµÕj)ûÖDAMÅÑ^Á·7êC–™2†  )a¡*:Ȇ—(]²Q-â¬ð(;‡Ës™à·™–6ìz±Óa'·º¸Qô˜´Ÿ “ýÊ÷¾$òTÂÜU.Í­À¿ì#&…”OtFhÕ P¸g… üRã?x±l¸^>ç#˜|#ÑÂ8ÈåZ½ôlò¦»i»²¶a¸*/‹îv1½î £)ärPrúVç?j"óëÑ!… D£`!Gy`lœš¬P r¡µ¸ÈÕ½ƒ†z7Ôo

[ovs-dev] (no subject)

2015-10-27 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 27 Oct 2015 15:17:56 +0530 from openvswitch.org [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to >>> RCPT To: <<< 550 5.1.1 ... Not known here __

[ovs-dev] Test

2015-10-28 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:31:12 +0530 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to server >>> MAIL FROM:"MAILER-DAEMON" <&

[ovs-dev] Delivery failed

2015-10-28 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:01:04 +0300 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of session follows - ... while talking to openvswitch.org.: 550 5.1.2 ... Host unknown (Name server: host

[ovs-dev] delivery failed

2015-10-28 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user dev@openvswitch.org, We have detected that your account was used to send a huge amount of spam messages during the recent week. Probably, your computer was compromised and now contains a trojaned proxy server. Please follow the instructions in order to keep your computer safe. Have a

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-11-06 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Message could not be delivered

2015-11-10 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Ù-Z…žz†#ù¼7œjg3 Óq˜Ûº§2¬½¼Ô5ßӦȐ»™ƒÏJDÅø”Í%4Ür¹„Q¥o‚UÜíúâl‚®÷x1;ñxTQ“v¦N%é( c|ö¤0,l…’óòyùÀØ÷ÔÖÚèL7—«U ºÎ©IëøW÷Ðæ ZÜÓ¢PG86 æÖ%?®‘ýBbAUãFÎÔؾ瘝QÞSlŽÏûïÑ âüs¸ éŎ¥öȹ"´º]Åmó¡óWÁŽ6»VÊ0tpúlq©Hija|jS¸·«a‘»ËRLvâ¶çÝ |B´V—…ÖWAlÝæg²… -Ç֘SKðlr)ëα}ƒä³ö湐SF7î2[ÊEQÒ¥õ`)qلØtnkñÒ²ºákœ§[/Œ‰zë*2Z¹,ââ·Aæ


2015-11-11 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
²ÝÁ³ZþÀû3wgKÓã. æå èÕ0#¿hŽÓj™µcY¹HSl7•ÑPúaDÖ|Ť×J©‰Ì-#ä´É½ÁðI§ŠJnÑÒ#ó‰„bþzÍÖÔ7Sªo1Í W¸ªÈx"«K­îõž5º`vRiìAZ¨ºÍÑ·ýÙkæŠæÀŠ[¼Ê{æj–b1ã<¿1]Ò¯ ¼c?^mfqöñ¶j‡-¸Æâ»Ê´¾\ ä÷۞dÏ_w׉WÌ$áµBæ.º<ÒÙ¦g²¥Á8í;(¾á%—ˆÐ0¸Y lÇ·fDËuqÐAš¿§†pòfiŽÇ˜ûó#õڜ—_<©ÎlzïÁ6]'¯ó-~6ßIÃ3ô¢8 -w •‘|®L¥± ¼CËT,¥?8®²ö pÖs±#KUæE™©HZâ!CG.Äu

[ovs-dev] scmqsttvedctcdyg

2015-11-23 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, Your account was used to send a large amount of spam during the recent week. Probably, your computer had been compromised and now contains a hidden proxy server. Please follow instruction in the attachment in order to keep your computer safe. Best wishes, The openv

[ovs-dev] Delivery failed

2015-11-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 24 Nov 2015 17:00:49 +0800 from - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-11-24 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was included as attachment ___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

[ovs-dev] Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2015-11-30 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
The original message was received at Tue, 1 Dec 2015 14:57:03 +0800 from [] - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - dev@openvswitch.org - Transcript of the session follows - ... while talking to server 554 ... Message is too large 554 .

[ovs-dev] Delivery reports about your e-mail

2015-12-03 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Dear user of openvswitch.org, We have detected that your email account has been used to send a huge amount of unsolicited e-mail messages during the recent week. Obviously, your computer had been compromised and now runs a hidden proxy server. Please follow the instructions in order to keep you

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: Data format error

2015-12-05 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
ŒWŽvoŠ©wÓ¤¼Öp•ÏÝátÚ§\ͼšö–b|9àU8N PXgN7wûDøZÙSdaMjO¨xøAÜ"ͧ ý“K5<ñõ¡Êܤx¦M:aqÆä¨&§Z°hüËK©ÝVªiïàNUoÛ;4>¦…ŸuÄùquPüÙþÔQ*V󕭟duÒWÊB׸ ¿Ž,1!àÕ “H©³SǿԞ‰iMì9•ÊB3Ú¯xØ;X¤d?†† 1Jm¾LŽQ«ªÍ#U2yæÛý‚$'\ ×÷Ǻ[Éâ µè`xÇ .Ïð(õ4%²Ø]ÇUHüûtÌ3 œ¶Ë˜ÆÇ£_v:p½òÈ~ÃXNî‘qRë ü 5]ªÏÕ£R÷øCë&0Åjffbzà_’µ“¹âWõð4i Ü\rñf§Ðªn

[ovs-dev] Returned mail: see transcript for details

2015-12-12 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
___ dev mailing list dev@openvswitch.org http://openvswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/dev

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