Hello Ben,
thank you for the answer. According to your advice, we have added parameter
to our configure script that allows users to specify path to OVS source
codes dir.
Dne 28. ledna 2015 17:16:56 Ben Pfaff napsal:
On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 03:38:37PM +0100, Tomáš Čejka wrote:
I would like to discuss a topic related to locks and locking of OVS
configuration and usability of such locks to prevent clients from data
As you probably know, NETCONF as well as OF-CONFIG specifies the and
operations. A session can temporarily disable any modification
ix=/some/prefix&&make -j6 install
Dne 28.1.2015 v 15:38 Tomáš Čejka napsal(a):
I'm studying source codes of the OpenFlow implementation (in OVS)
because of the OF-CONFIG project. I would like to discuss an issue
that we've found.
We've discovered that OVS in
I'm studying source codes of the OpenFlow implementation (in OVS)
because of the OF-CONFIG project. I would like to discuss an issue that
we've found.
We've discovered that OVS installs static libraries without necessary
header files.
I think that the reason is based on inappropriate M