forum malfunction

2025-02-23 Thread micmac (
Hi, As said yesterday evening, forum was OK ; this morning too. But from 2025/02/24_0650UTC, new malfunction with same message : "Your request has been rate limited, as we have detected excessive usage from your IP or net block: 39.436 SECONDS OF TIME SPENT OVER 300 SECONDS, MAX ALLOWED IS 25. R

FrenchOO Forum

2025-02-23 Thread micmac (
Hi, Right now (2025/02/23_1735UTC), french forum operates as usual. Thanks for all. Regards

Re: Forum slow again

2025-02-19 Thread micmac (
Hi, 2025/02/19_17:00 Page refresh seems to be OK on french forum right now Le 19/02/2025 à 17:04, Dave Fisher a écrit : I’ve been trying to put a rate limiter in place. Clearly it’s not working properly yet. What type of request were you limited on? Best, Dave On Feb 19, 2025, at 6:18 AM,