Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2013-09-06 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Here is the alternative link: Besides, aware that, the attached elements should be in zip, not by insert them inside the email. Your previous email doesnt cont

Re: Question to all developers and translators: How integrated should translation be ?

2013-09-06 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
What about let the customer choose it from the installation or after the the installation and integrate a menu command such as "Apply Vietnamese". Both of those will need online. By far, the world is online. So, keeping this idea will avoid the problem, along with the function such as "clip art".

Re: FYI: OpenOffice for Android

2013-09-09 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
I meant the "future cooperation" between this guy (the author) and the Dev Group of AOO in an officially way. This would be a huge milestone in our development process. On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 11:46 PM, David Gerard wrote: > On 9 September 2013 17:44, Mr. Phan Anh wrote: > >

Re: FYI: OpenOffice for Android

2013-09-09 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Wow, this guy derserved a medal. Can any developers talk to him? I think this is awesome, and thank Rory for telling about this. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-

Re: FYI: OpenOffice for Android

2013-09-09 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
I have just got the news, and now, I am playing around with this one on my phone and tablet. Thanks Andrea for replying me. On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:26 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote: > Mr. Phan Anh wrote: >> >> But this guy is good, he "ported" a whole project of AOO to An

Re: FYI: OpenOffice for Android

2013-09-09 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
hat any conflict can be solved about the "trademark" stuff, but AOO on Android is an excellent idea ever! On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 11:32 PM, James Michael DuPont wrote: > and where are the sources or does he not have to publish any? > > > On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Mr. Ph

Re: Mails from

2013-09-13 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
8300 email so far with me. Now, we got a big problem. I hope, the Libreland wont involve in this bull shit. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.apach

Re: Reopening the Vietnamese Forum

2013-10-12 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
1. Sorry Guys especially Andrea, Hagar for this email of being late for response. I was on vacation last month. So: 2. I have registered an account at the openoffice English Forums. the account is: vietnamesel 3. Please update the status of my account. -

Re: Reopening the Vietnamese Forum

2013-10-13 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
can grant you the > admin right. > >> >> Hagar >> >> >> Le 12/10/2013 16:32, Mr. Phan Anh a écrit : >> >>> 1. Sorry Guys especially Andrea, Hagar for this email of being late >>> for response. >>> I was on vacation last month. >

Re: Reopening the Vietnamese Forum

2013-10-20 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Thank you for you guys for reopening the Vietnamese forums. I am now currently have some new idea for the forums. Such as the new name for each element of Vi forums. I am currently working around with the content. Thanks, dude. You guys are awesome.

Re: Invitation to use Google Talk

2013-08-29 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Why the invitation is sent to all the mailing list? It should be for personal only.

Re: [RELEASE]: new snapshot build for AOO 4.0.1

2013-08-31 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Can you apply the Vietnamese to this snapshot?

Re: svn commit: r1519262 - in /openoffice/branches/l10n40/main/languages/source: af/ ar/ as/ ast/ be-BY/ bg/ bn/ bo/ br/ brx/ bs/ ca-XV/ ca/ cs/ cy/ da/ de/ dgo/ dz/ el/ en-AU/ en-GB/ en-ZA/ eo/ es/ e

2013-09-01 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
I would like to ask what is this? Because there was no VI localization in it?

Re: [RELEASE]: new snapshot build for AOO 4.0.1

2013-09-02 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Thanks. On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 3:02 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote: > On 8/31/13 11:13 PM, Mr. Phan Anh wrote: >> Can you apply the Vietnamese to this snapshot? >> > > it will be included in the next one. I see that the UI is 100% compete >

Re: Service Unavailable error when trying to visit

2013-09-02 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
Me, Those day, I can't load the webpage. After pressing F5 a few times, it loaded back to me. But, the lagging of this site fro user Tae Wong and Alexandro Colorado is not wrong, they have discribed it exactly about the lagging situation. ---

Re: Service Unavailable error when trying to visit

2013-09-03 Thread Mr. Phan Anh
We should consider increasing the bandwith for this page Robby. Lagging with translators is a bad idea. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.apache.or