Re: Bug Apache open office 3

2013-10-01 Thread FR web forum
Bonjour, Vous êtes sur une liste internationale qui rassemble des développeurs du monde entier. Merci de parler anglais. Si vous avez un problème, le plus simple est d'aller sur le forum francophone d'entraide : - Mail original - De: "justine bacconnier"

Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-01 Thread FR web forum
>> It looks like as bidouille had updated the French pages, but they are not >> yet published. Right? >I published. Merci beaucoup Rob :-) - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands

Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, Before with v.4.0.0, we have a page dedicated to MD5 checksums. h**p:// Is it possible to set up another one for 4.0.1? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr

Re: [RELEASE 4.0.1][Product Update Notification Service] updated XML feeds for the former versions to be notified about version 4.0.1

2013-10-02 Thread FR web forum
>So, there is no separate webpage needed. However, there is an additional >webpage to tell the user how to use checksums: > Thanks but this page and followings are not localized. Difficult for french users to understand the process. So I think that

[Bugzilla] Vote and issue

2013-10-07 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, Some issue seems to be without possibility of vote. Like: Why? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h.

[INFRA] Forums down

2013-10-07 Thread FR web forum
Error displayed: Can't connect to local MySQL server Anybody can restart mysqld deamon? Thanks - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Websites headers (forum, wiki, main site, ...)

2013-10-29 Thread FR web forum
-1 "Forum" is not a universal word. Many NL forums don't use it like Asia area. - Mail original - De: "Andrea Pescetti" À: Envoyé: Dimanche 27 Octobre 2013 21:53:07 Objet: Re: Websites headers (forum, wiki, main site, ...) Ricardo Berlasso wrote: >> My best atte


2013-11-04 Thread FR web forum
Hello, Good work! But forums seems to be slow now. - Mail original - De: "janI" À: "dev" , Envoyé: Dimanche 3 Novembre 2013 11:55:52 Objet: [ANNOUNCE] Hi I am happy to announce that is now open. All http://for


2013-11-04 Thread FR web forum
>All request are permanently redirected to > PhpBB store the ip address for each post We have a problem with https All posts are the same ip (


2013-11-04 Thread FR web forum
>you should use the ip in the header and not tcpip level. traffic goes This is a function of PhpBB We use to ban spammer by ip - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-


2013-11-05 Thread FR web forum
>But still, we need the real IP. It's useful in case of spam. +1 Sometime, we have a spambot with multiple accounts. Disable by IP is the only one thing to stop it. The solution is to configure server as transparent proxy. - To


2013-11-06 Thread FR web forum
>proxy is configured transarent, the admins jut need to change the php2bb >config, to make use of the header info. Thanks jan We are on PhpBB 3 I don't find this parameter in ACP. Could you be more explicit? - To unsubscribe, e-ma

Re: Number of spreadsheets limitation

2013-11-08 Thread FR web forum
>but MS Excel manages much >more than that (I still don't know the limit, but we have here a file >with 336 spreadsheets, which cannot be opened in OO 4.0.1 without loss). - T

[Wiki] Can not modify some pages

2013-11-18 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, I don't know why but I can not modify some pages like: Wiki returns a 502 proxy error I wonder if I have all grant acesss for me. Other pages newly created has not this problem. User: oooforum Thanks --

Re: [Wiki] Can not modify some pages

2013-11-18 Thread FR web forum
>It has nothing to do with karma, simply try again. Thanks jan, I put my amulets in my pocket - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice web site

2013-11-21 Thread FR web forum
Vous êtes sur une liste internationale. La langue qui doit être utilisée est l'anglais. Outlook est un logiciel payant édité par Microsoft. OpenOffice n'a rien à voir là dedans. Si vous cherchez un courrielleur gratuit, vous pouvez utiliser Thunderbird. Si vous avez d'autres questions et que vous

Re: New committer: Jörg Schmidt (joesch)

2013-11-27 Thread FR web forum
Bienvenue joesch >I also write macros and extensions and offer professional support for AOO. I saw your extensions like "more 3 conditional format". That is awesome. Did you think that a translation is possible? - To unsubscribe,

Re: Good progress on confusing advertisements on download page

2013-12-03 Thread FR web forum
>A question for us is: How do we want to report misleading ads in the >future? Do we need any process on our side? Do we want to track the >reports in Bugzilla? Or do we want to just report these as >individuals, possibly leading to redundant reports? Maybe record >these in BZ (where adding i

Re: Printing a database

2013-12-05 Thread FR web forum
Also, you vote for following issues: - Mail original - De: "F C. Costero" À:, Envoyé: Jeudi 5 Décembre 2013 03:28:26 Objet: Re: Printing

Re: [RELEASE]: proposal for our next release AOO 4.1

2013-12-17 Thread FR web forum
Hello, >Jan 27, 2014 translation freeze Did you set an aoo41 folder in Pootle? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [RELEASE]: proposal for our next release AOO 4.1

2013-12-17 Thread FR web forum
>no, as far as I know their are no UI changes. I plan an update of the >released languages and new languages based on the aoo40 to integrate fixes. I thought that new features like Accessibility Support could be documented in help file. So, we have missing strings:

Re: openoffice build issues

2013-12-19 Thread FR web forum
>in python module i am getting multiple errors. Can you please help me out. I'm not a developper but Python 2.7.5 is very old. Maybe it can be upgrade to 3.3 like LibreOffice? - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: refus d'ouverture du programme

2013-12-20 Thread FR web forum
Bonjour, Vous venez de poster sur une liste de diffusion internationale. Vous devez donc écrire exclusivement en anglais. Si vous ne maîtrisez cette langue, vous pouvez : - utiliser la liste francophone - le forum francophone de support Plus d'information sur cette page :

Re: New committer: Tsutomu Uchino (hanya)

2013-12-28 Thread FR web forum
Bienvenue Tsutomu ! - Mail original - De: "Andrea Pescetti" À: Cc: Envoyé: Samedi 28 Décembre 2013 10:38:47 Objet: New committer: Tsutomu Uchino (hanya) The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache OpenOffice has asked Tsutomu Uchino to bec

Re: Open office some companies are racketting

2014-01-03 Thread FR web forum
We know that. On the french forum, you can follow this thread about para-sites: Ending: the only place to download openoffice is its official website - Mail original - De: "leborgnelaurent" À: Envoyé:

Re: Draft of document corruption survey

2014-01-15 Thread FR web forum
Good idea! Do you want to translate this survey in another language? You can rely on the NL forums - Mail original - De: "Rob Weir" À: Cc: Envoyé: Mardi 14 Janvier 2014 22:30:58 Objet: Draft of document corruption survey http://survey

Re: demande svp pour amélioration d'un programme

2014-01-15 Thread FR web forum
Bonjour, Vous êtes sur une liste de diffusion international. Pour communiquer, vous devez parler en anglais exclusivement. Si vous ne maîtriser pas cette langue, utilisez plutôt la liste de diffusion francophone : - Mail original - De: "s pa

Re: Problem with Java on the 64bit Mac OSX?

2014-01-20 Thread FR web forum
Wizards need JRE to work under AOO But with LO, wizards has been migrated to Python: - Mail original - De: "František Erben" À: Envoyé: Lundi 20 Janvier 2014 22:16:01 Objet: Re: Problem with Java on the 64bit Mac

Re: Accès Forum impossible

2014-01-28 Thread FR web forum
Traduction : Vous êtes sur une liste de diffusion internationale, il vous faut donc écrire en anglais uniquement. Le serveur hébergeant le forum est désormais préfixé https: Ses certificats ont été testés et fonctionnent. Si vous avez cette erreur, c'est que vous possédez un certificat périmé dan

Re: looking for help

2014-01-29 Thread FR web forum - Mail original - De: "Satya Sharma" À: Envoyé: Mardi 28 Janvier 2014 19:57:14 Objet: looking for help Have started using Apache spreadshet, a very veratile indeed! However wo

Re: scripts to assist in editing helpcontent2

2014-01-30 Thread FR web forum
We have other issue about help content: - Mail original - De: "Andre Fischer" À: Envoyé: Jeudi 30 Janvier 2014 09:19:55 Objet: Re: scripts to assist in editing helpcontent2 On 30.01.2014 09:10, Oliver-Rainer W

Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2014-02-07 Thread FR web forum - Mail original - De: "Brian Moore" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 7 Février 2014 17:19:29 Objet: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website Good afternoon, For s

Re: Open Office on iPad

2014-02-09 Thread FR web forum
See this : - Mail original - De: "Christophe" À: Envoyé: Dimanche 9 Février 2014 10:10:42 Objet: Open Office on iPad Hi I use your application since years and I really love it. I use them on my p

[Website] Files missing

2014-03-05 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, I would to update some outdated pages from french website: I don't find it on SVN: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-

Re: Calc - IFERROR function

2014-03-09 Thread FR web forum
See this issue : Seems to be implemented in LibO - Mail original - De: "Vladislav Stevanovic" À: Envoyé: Dimanche 9 Mars 2014 15:57:55 Objet: Calc - IFERROR function Hello, I recived one calc document (Libre Of

Fwd: Calc - IFERROR function

2014-03-10 Thread FR web forum
Forward my previous answer - Mail transféré - De: "FR web forum" À: "Vladislav Stevanovic" Envoyé: Lundi 10 Mars 2014 10:04:43 Objet: Re: Calc - IFERROR function Did you read the bug report? "Target Milestone" and "Assigned To" fields a

Re: What does this mean?

2014-03-12 Thread FR web forum
Read this: - Mail original - De: "Christopher G. Frost" À: Envoyé: Mercredi 12 Mars 2014 16:43:46 Objet: What does this mean? I have 3.4.1 and tried to update. I get an error screen that says I need

Re: Version for i-pad?

2014-03-28 Thread FR web forum
Question asked many times See: - Mail original - De: "Ilona Gersh" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 28 Mars 2014 17:11:22 Objet: Version for i-pad? Hi, Is there a version of Open Office for I-pads? If not, is o

Re: Error

2014-04-10 Thread FR web forum
Read this: - Mail original - De: "David Center" À: Envoyé: Jeudi 10 Avril 2014 18:53:11 Objet: Error When I try to install OO 4.0.1, I get a message saying to exit 4.0.1. How can one exit a program

Re: Forum AOO

2015-07-20 Thread FR web forum
No, forums but extensions and templates website don't respond anymore. - Mail original - De: "Carlo Salvagno" À:, "Andrea Pescetti" , "Paolo Pozzan" Envoyé: Lundi 20 Juillet 2015 08:27:34 Objet: Re: Forum AOO Problem solved, it seems. Il giorno 20/lug/2015,

Re: Templates Website

2015-07-21 Thread FR web forum
Read this: - Mail original - De: "Brittany Barker" À: Envoyé: Mardi 21 Juillet 2015 16:37:19 Objet: Templates Website Hello, I was attempting to downl

Re: website - please change my name

2015-09-04 Thread FR web forum
Hello, Your actual e-mail address is The e-mail in this list is Could you send an e-mail from this last domain to check if you are the real person? - Mail original - De: "David Sterr" À: Envoyé: Jeudi 3 Septembre 2015 21:56:43 Objet: open

Re: Spellcheck

2015-09-08 Thread FR web forum
>I purchased OPENOFFICE APACHE 4 Sorry but OpenOffice is free of charge. Read this: - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional c

Re: SQLite ODBC driver for Libra and OpenOffice

2015-09-11 Thread FR web forum
This is a commercial offer with a trial version (30 days). The driver is costly 150 USD. - Mail original - De: "Kay Schenk" À:, "OOo Apache" Envoyé: Vendredi 11 Septembre 2015 02:36:31 Objet: Re: SQLite ODBC driver for Libra and OpenOffice On Thu, Sep 10, 2015

Re: Release Notes work -- AOO 4.1.2 issues/other inclusions

2015-09-28 Thread FR web forum
Maybe this patch submitted by hanya could be included: - Mail original - De: "Andrea Pescetti" À: Envoyé: Lundi 28 Septembre 2015 01:13:11 Objet: Re: Release Notes work -- AOO 4.1.2 issues/other inclusions On 28/0

Re: Not Responding

2015-10-13 Thread FR web forum
The better way to do this is using your operating system. - Mail original - De: "Earl Meyer" À: Envoyé: Lundi 12 Octobre 2015 23:33:15 Objet: Not Responding Can't delete files get message not responding. Any way to fix?ThanksEarl Meyer ---

Re: SQLite ODBC driver for Libra and OpenOffice

2015-10-13 Thread FR web forum
>This is a commercial offer with a trial version (30 days). >The driver is costly 150 USD. This commercial driver has been published as an extension: Is it normal? ---

NeoShine: ribbon introduction

2015-10-16 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, Distributed with NeoKylin in China, NeoShine introduce a ribbon: I don't speak chinese but maybe these developers could be contacted. This enhancement could be back-ported in AOO? Webs

Re: NeoShine: ribbon introduction

2015-10-19 Thread FR web forum
>Please no ribbon. This is not a matter of taste and vote for or against the ribbon. Just that NeoShine has took OOo code and could pay its tribute to enhance AOO :-) Note that LibO take this way too:

Re: Remembering Ian Lynch in 4.1.2 announcement

2015-10-28 Thread FR web forum
>​I disagree with that view. To focus on the product, well we already have >companies for that. We are not a company, we are a community. And we dont >have 'products' we have 'projects'. The difference? well to start a project >is something that people can participate, not only purchase. So people

Re: Wrong version number on the German download page

2015-10-30 Thread FR web forum
Same thing for french index: I modified this page for 4.1.2 announcement. Anybody to commit it? Thanks - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Possible Mac problem 4.1.2

2015-10-30 Thread FR web forum
Possible cross problem with mailmerge function. A french end-user on MacOS report a crash. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open a doc with datasource connected and database fields 2) Menu File > Print 3) Confirm "Yes" at "print a form letter?" 4) Crash: the "Mail merge" dialogbox don't appear

Re: Wrong version number on the German download page

2015-10-30 Thread FR web forum
>Did you do this through the CMS? No, by SVN - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Possible Mac problem 4.1.2

2015-11-03 Thread FR web forum
>Possible cross problem with mailmerge function. Issue reported: Maybe Mac users could be confirm or not? - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For addit

Re: Sourceforge and commercial ads

2015-11-10 Thread FR web forum
Hello list, New ad to have a fake AOO: Jump to a para-site: h**p:/ - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openof

Re: Sourceforge and commercial ads

2015-12-10 Thread FR web forum
l - De: "Roberto Galoppini" À: "dev" , "Cyril Beaussier" Envoyé: Mardi 10 Novembre 2015 10:35:16 Objet: Re: Sourceforge and commercial ads Thanks for heads up, could you kindly pass me the exact link? Send me also a direct message if you prefer. Roberto 2015-11-10 1

Re: Reporting broken download link

2015-12-10 Thread FR web forum
Please use the end-user forum for this kind of question: - Mail original - De: "vidya" À: Envoyé: Mercredi 9 Décembre 2015 17:46:59 Objet: Reporting broken download link When I wan

Re: Complaint Writer lost 36 pages of my document with no auto backup copy.

2015-12-29 Thread FR web forum
>I did find in options that in Options\Load Save\General “Always create a >backup copy” was not checked. This should be checked by default. :( You can vote for this enhancement - T

Basic editor and key-words

2015-12-30 Thread FR web forum
Hello dev, When I write a Basic program, some words are blue to show me that are reserved. But much are missing and display in green (like LBound or UBound). Where these key-words are stored? Thanks - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev

Re: Basic editor and key-words

2015-12-31 Thread FR web forum
>There is a difference between reserved words and (predefined) function >names. This belongs to ALL programming languages. >LBound and UBound are not reserved words. OK the goal is to help programmers So we can have a different color for predefined functions? --

Re: Basic editor and key-words

2016-01-03 Thread FR web forum
>> There is a difference between reserved words and (predefined) function >> names. This belongs to ALL programming languages. > >>> LBound and UBound are not reserved words. > >> OK the goal is to help programmers >> So we can have a different color for predefined functions? >I don't think that

OpenOffice and SourceForge: cruel wedding

2016-01-07 Thread FR web forum
Hello forum, There are regularly messages complaining of costly or spammed OpenOffice on the french forum. Because end-users don't have ad blocker, shows links to para-sites. The download of the genuine OpenOffice appears delayed, so the user click on this "fake" OpenOffice. As for other

Re: Apache OpenOffice Templates and Extensions new sites

2016-01-14 Thread FR web forum
Bravo I see that translation in french is not complete. Some sentences are in english. How can we contribute to translate it? - Mail original - De: "Roberto Galoppini" À: "dev" Envoyé: Mardi 12 Janvier 2016 21:17:19 Objet: Apache OpenOffice Templates and Extensions new sites Hi all, Ov

Re: Libre Office Development Compared to OpenOffice Development

2016-01-16 Thread FR web forum
>but you need to innovate What kind of innovating did you talking about? If you have some ideas, you can propose to Bugzilla as feature or enhancement. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional

Proposal: AOO 4.2.0

2016-01-16 Thread FR web forum
Hello dev, Is it possible to provide an explicit release date for next 4.2.0? To avoid a previous denigration campaign like for 4.1.2. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail

Extension website: older URL give wrong CSS

2016-02-07 Thread FR web forum
By example see: This kind of URL is still indexed by search engines. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.a

Re: Extension website: older URL give wrong CSS

2016-02-08 Thread FR web forum
Curious, seems to be fixed by unknow people. Sorry for the noise. - Mail original - De: "Dennis E. Hamilton" À: Envoyé: Dimanche 7 Février 2016 22:26:33 Objet: RE: Extension website: older URL give wrong CSS FR web forum, I see the same (English)

Re: Extension website: older URL give wrong CSS

2016-02-08 Thread FR web forum
Hmm, I come back to this problem. Some pictures seems to be missed with the older URL. - Mail original - De: "FR web forum" À:, "dennis hamilton" Envoyé: Lundi 8 Février 2016 09:14:22

Re: Developing a form questionnaire

2016-02-14 Thread FR web forum
You can try to read threads about this purpose: - Mail original - De: À: Envoyé: Dimanche 31 Janvier 2016 22:57:13 Objet: Developing a form questionnaire I'm a Genealogist and would

Re: Reporting broken download link

2016-03-03 Thread FR web forum
> I have been trying to download the recent version of Open Office 4.1.2 > but when I click on the link a web page opens but nothing happens. I try to download an extension this afternoon. And I confirm that don't send the requested file.

Re: Where to find information about *.xcu schema (extension, dev, toolbar)

2016-04-07 Thread FR web forum
>Where to find information about *.xcu schema (extension, dev, toolbar) Use this extension: Easy to produce OXT - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.apa

Re: impression page a page

2016-05-01 Thread FR web forum
Veuillez relire le contenu de la page : Merci de nous préciser sur quel projet vous souhaitez participer. Si vous avez besoin de support sur le logiciel. Lisez cette page : - Mail original - De: "MARION LEYSER"

Fwd: Alert: is down!

2016-05-18 Thread FR web forum
- Mail transféré - De: À: Envoyé: Mercredi 18 Mai 2016 04:11:44 Objet: Alert: is down! Hello, Our monitoring system has detected that (https) is down: [Errno 110] Connection timed out With regards, Ap

Re: Release Manager for 4.2.0?

2016-05-23 Thread FR web forum
Hello all, Any news for this next 4.2.0? - Mail original - De: "Andrea Pescetti" À: Envoyé: Dimanche 27 Mars 2016 22:13:11 Objet: Re: Release Manager for 4.2.0? On 29/01/2016 Andrea Pescetti wrote: > For 4.2.0 we need a Release Manager. I would prefer NOT to be

Re: Issue 77677

2016-06-05 Thread FR web forum
Did you read Rob's comment? A patch is proposed. You can embedded it in source and build a version to check if this issue is fixed. Then you report the result - Mail original - De: "Ramses @ Gmail" À: Envoyé:

Re: Issue 77677

2016-06-06 Thread FR web forum
I did read Robs comment. I am an end-user who needs this feature. Not an developer. I am running version 4.1.2. and was hoping to have this feature. Thank you. -Oorspronkelijk bericht----- From: FR web forum Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 8:53 AM To: Cc: chrome.n.fl...

Re: null

2016-07-12 Thread FR web forum
NeoOffice is not free. - Mail original - De: "Hammam Alyamani" À: Envoyé: Lundi 11 Juillet 2016 09:35:59 Objet: null Hello There How is everyone is doing? I hope you are all good. I have a suggestion, since there is a dedicated Mac OS version of OpenOffuce c

Re: null

2016-07-12 Thread FR web forum
schrieb FR web forum: > NeoOffice is not free. this is not true NeoOffice is under GPL v2. But you can't take code from them to put it into Code licenced under LGPL or Apache Lizence. Regards Mechtilde > > - Mail original - > De: "Hammam Alyamani" > À: dev@

Re: [Forum] Upgrade signature string

2016-07-29 Thread FR web forum
m we have some discussions about the feature. Bidouille (admin of the French forum aka "FR web forum") may have some history on how it works also. Thanks, Hagar - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: [Forum] Upgrade signature string

2016-08-01 Thread FR web forum
Signature is checked in includes/ucp/ucp_register.php - Mail original - De: "Andrea Pescetti" À: Envoyé: Samedi 30 Juillet 2016 10:56:02 Objet: Re: [Forum] Upgrade signature string FR web forum wrote: > Some specific scripts to modified. Easy to

Re: AOO 4.1.3 announced on en-Forum

2016-10-13 Thread FR web forum
I've announced on fr-Forum and modified index.html on fr website. Somebody can commit this page? Thanks - Mail original - De: "Rory O'Farrell" À: Envoyé: Jeudi 13 Octobre 2016 10:49:56 Objet: AOO 4.1.3 announced on en-Forum I have posted a sticky announcement of

Re: may be duplicate but More to say Re: Suggestion for software please

2016-10-18 Thread FR web forum
Maybe a macro could be this task. Post this question on forum: - Mail original - De: "mjt bs cap-om" À: Envoyé: Lundi 17 Octobre 2016 21:17:46 Objet: may be duplicate but More to say Re: Suggestion for software please On second t

[Website] Extension and statistics

2016-10-25 Thread FR web forum
Hello dev team, I notice that no download statistics on extensions website. All numbers set to 0 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Issue 127143] Startcenter crash on iMac with macOS Sierra

2016-11-07 Thread FR web forum
On French forum, we have confirmation that 10.12.1 solve this crash. - Mail original - De: "Matthias Seidel" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 4 Novembre 2016 17:54:21 Objet: Re: [Issue 127143] Startcenter crash on iMac with macOS Sierra I have heard that this bug is solved b

Re: [Issue 127143] Startcenter crash on iMac with macOS Sierra

2016-11-07 Thread FR web forum
6 um 17:53 schrieb Matthias Seidel: > Thank you for confirmation. > > I updated bugzilla. > > > Am 07.11.2016 um 17:27 schrieb FR web forum: >> On French forum, we have confirmation that 10.12.1 solve this crash. >> >> - Mail original - >> De: "Ma

Re: Opening docx documents in OpenOffice

2016-11-08 Thread FR web forum
Well, is it just for reading a .docx? So, you can use MS-Word viewer. - Mail original - De: À: Envoyé: Mardi 8 Novembre 2016 13:30:20 Objet: Opening docx documents in OpenOffice When I try to open a .docx document in OpenOffice I just ge

Bugzilla and Twitter

2016-11-10 Thread FR web forum
Hello, Twitter seems to be disconnected with Bugzilla don't tweet any issues since 10-31-2016 - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@op

Fake site

2016-12-05 Thread FR web forum
Hello, This para-site is very annoying for our french users. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Chinese forum out of order

2016-12-09 Thread FR web forum
FYI = 404 error - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Chart SubTitles Do Not Get Saved In Spreadsheet

2016-12-16 Thread FR web forum
Hello, This happens if your document is saved in XLS. Next time, for this kind of question, please use our user mailing list: - Mail original - De: "Walt & Sharon Rager" À: Envoyé: Jeudi 15 Décembre 2016

Re: Chart SubTitles Do Not Get Saved In Spreadsheet

2016-12-16 Thread FR web forum
Issue reported: - Mail original - De: "FR web forum" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 16 Décembre 2016 09:01:51 Objet: Re: Chart SubTitles Do Not Get Saved In Spreadsheet Hello, This happens if your document is sa

Re: [ANN] Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 released

2014-04-29 Thread FR web forum
Hello, >it's probably a good idea to check the md5 or any other checksum file to >verify the download To this purpose, the url jump to outdated text files. Where are we find this info? ---

Re: [ANN] Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 released

2014-04-29 Thread FR web forum
>For what do you need them and where is the link to this files? Because on the french forum, we provide tutorials to set install. And we recommend to check it. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For a

Re: [ANN] Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 released

2014-04-30 Thread FR web forum
>or browse to [1] to have every available file in one place. >[1] This page is not very helpful for not native english end-users. I will create a specific page to have this info in french. Thanks ---

Re: AOO 4.1 crashes by opening database using MySQL SDBC Driver

2014-05-05 Thread FR web forum
Did you talking about native driver? - Mail original - De: "Mathias Röllig" À: "Development AOO" Envoyé: Lundi 5 Mai 2014 12:24:07 Objet: AOO 4.1 crashes by opening database using MySQL SDBC Driver Hello! On MacOS I use AOO with

Re: Openoffice V 4.1.0 --problems

2014-05-12 Thread FR web forum
See this: - Mail original - De: "Lewis Frazee" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 9 Mai 2014 07:13:26 Objet: Openoffice V 4.1.0 --problems Dear Sir. I want to let you know that I can't load OpenOffice

Re: is it offical? OenOffice Online

2014-05-15 Thread FR web forum
Sound like RollApps But very sloow - Mail original - De: "DENIS Sylvain" À: Envoyé: Mardi 13 Mai 2014 08:43:06 Objet: is it offical? OenOffice Online Hello, is it official ?

Re: [Lazy Consensus] link to a german forum

2014-05-26 Thread FR web forum
Just one question: why not embed this forum in run with PhpBB 3. So a transfert should be easy. - Mail original - De: "Jörg Schmidt" À: Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 11:29:32 Objet: [Lazy Consensus] link to a german forum

Re: [Lazy Consensus] link to a german forum

2014-05-26 Thread FR web forum
In other way, if we propose to create a new NL forum, can we do it? One year ago, we should have a Portugese forum: As yet nothing has been done. - To unsubscrib

Re: Export to swf of presentations = useless for uploading to Youtube

2014-05-30 Thread FR web forum - Mail original - De: "Fernando Cassia" À: Envoyé: Vendredi 30 Mai 2014 09:53:36 Objet: Export to swf of presentations = useless for uploading to Youtube Hi there, Apache OpenOffice

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