Re: A question

2013-09-15 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 13/09/13 00:55, David Stang a écrit : Hi David, > From the tone of messages, it appears to me that this could be something that > could be easily done with the database AOO has in their package. > > I have searched for solutions but have found no way to achieve this outcome. > Well, you c

Re: SQLite ODBC driver for Libra and OpenOffice

2015-10-13 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 13/10/2015 15:37, FR web forum a écrit : > This commercial driver has been published as an extension: > > Is it normal? > Seems it also comes with a proprietary, restrictive license :

Re: John McCreesh

2016-01-18 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 18/01/2016 16:20, RA Stehmann a écrit : > > We never met him, but when we start working with, we read > each single line of his " 1.0, ODBC, and MySQL 'How-to'" [0]. > Indeed, I remember translating that into French for the FR-nl community back in the day. Ale

Re: Controller class for documents/textView classes in Open Office (NSDocument like?)

2015-04-25 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 24/04/2015 21:48, ANTHONY CRUZ a écrit : Hi Anthony, > Ideally, I’d like to work with the Open Office source code for the main app > on OS X. I was attempting to set up a working Xcode project (which I prefer > over Eclipse and I’m interested in the Aqua build), so I’d be able to run and >

Re: Forums down (SQL error: Too many connections [1040])

2013-03-21 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 20/03/13 21:14, Hagar Delest a écrit : > With each passing day, we lose users that >> search some help on other forums. > Not only that, but the wealth of information that is already there is no longer accessible. And yes, before the switch to new hosting, I can not remember it ever being do

Re: questions about Base---do we need an embedded DB?

2013-03-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 26/03/13 00:39, Ariel Constenla-Haile a écrit : Hi all, > This is hard too guess. The majority of AOO users are Windows users, so > you can asume that the "average user" that tries Base with a MS Office > background, is looking for something like MS Access. I guess this was > what drove Sun to

Re: questions about Base---do we need an embedded DB?

2013-03-27 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 26/03/13 14:52, Rob Weir a écrit : Hi Rob, > Some other interesting facts, most of which we're already familiar with: > > 1) Microsoft doesn't include Access in their base Office packages. So > on the one hand this means that most Office users don't use a > database, or they do lightweight d

Re: mac build bot (and also for the rest of us).

2013-05-22 Thread Alexander Thurgood
Le 22/05/13 19:30, janI a écrit : Hi all, > > At least you can buy it (one example): > > and I dont think apple can dictate you which machines you run it on > It doesn't matter whether you can buy it, what you can do with it