Forecast for changes on AOO

2015-07-30 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi people I am returning slow. We have preview for new changes and versions ? Because ~one year old (2014-08-21) we were still AOO 4.0.1 [0]. 0 - -- Albino B Neto "Debian. Freedom to code. Co

Re: 150 million downloads, and then some

2015-07-31 Thread Albino B Neto
2015-07-31 9:48 GMT-03:00 Rob Weir : > We've had 151,441,372 downloads of Apache OpenOffice since we released > our first version at Apache in May 2012. Congratulation! I am remembering 100k, so good. :-) -- Albino B Neto "Debian. Freedom to code. Code

Re: Forecast for changes on AOO

2015-07-31 Thread Albino B Neto
so everything you find in 4.2.0 > builds will not be in 4.1.2. Understand. :-) -- Albino B Neto "Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!" faw - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openof

Re: New committer

2015-08-07 Thread Albino B Neto
2015-08-06 16:50 GMT-03:00 jan i : > Welcome to Manik Malhotra who just accepting being openoffice committer. Congratulations! -- Albino B Neto "Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!" faw ---

Re: Documentation Recruitment (was: Please add me to The Documentation Project list)

2012-12-01 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 10:56 PM, RGB ES wrote: > +1 for a new mailing list and for proposal #1. +1 -- Albino

Unsubscribe in Commits

2012-12-03 Thread Albino B Neto
2012 01:21:07 -0800 (PST) Sender: Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 3 Dec 2012 01:21:07 -0800 (PST) Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 07:21:07 -0200 X-Google-Sender-Auth: 3jIZZi5mUz1VlYExdkJACUN4WcM Message-ID: Subject: From: Albino B Neto To:

Re: Exit moderation mailing

2013-04-01 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Andrea Pescetti > Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 1 de Abril de 2013 18:39 >  > Thanks, I've added you to >   Good. :-)   Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-uns

Re: download stats

2013-04-02 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Rob Weir ; Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 1 de Abril de > 2013 17:59 > OK.  It is updated now.  We're over 44 million now.  I think we could hit > 50 million close to the start of May, when we have our 1-year anniversary > for the release of AOO 3.4. Good. :-) Call for designers [1] in pt-br.

FISL14, in Brazil

2013-04-02 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi   As every year here in Brazil is the FISL (Fórum Internacional de Software Livre) [1] event, this year will be the 14th edition. 1 - Someone will come to the event ?   Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubs

Re: of AOO

2013-04-03 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Rob Weir > Enviadas: Domingo, 31 de Março de 2013 21:50 > > It sounds like they are moving to a new platform.  Maybe we look at > this again then. Yeah ! Is migration for, read the new note: Albino -

Re: FISL14, in Brazil

2013-04-03 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Louis Suárez-Potts > Enviadas: Terça-feira, 2 de Abril de 2013 22:42 > > I certainly hope to make it there again, as I have nearly every year. But > this time, unlike last year, it would be *great* to have an AOO presence. > Last year, the OO presence there was under the flag of LibreOffice

Re: FISL14, in Brazil

2013-04-03 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Albino B Neto > Para: "" > Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2013 10:36 > > Every year, I and Claudio and others, were in the event #fis13. Sorry * Last year * ,  I and Claudio and others, were in the

Re: FISL14, in Brazil

2013-04-03 Thread Albino B Neto
> De: Louis Suárez-Potts > Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 3 de Abril de 2013 11:24 >  > As to Fisl 14, let's discuss this directly? Yes, no problem. :-) > I do want a strong presence > there, with you, Claudio, others. It would be independent of any ODF plugfest. The FISL [1] is a comprehensive env

Pinterest AOO

2013-04-03 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi The link on home page is broken to pinterest. Correct: Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffic

Re: [QA][Weekly Report] Defects Status weekly report as of 2013/04/08

2013-04-07 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/7 Yi Xuan Liu : > Defects status weekly report as of 20130408: > I thought nice disseminate on social networking: Albino ---

Re: translate-vm2 (pootle)

2013-04-08 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/8 janI : > Just for your information, work has just started on a new setup of the > translate server. Good. > Infra has been kind enough to provide a parallel server (according to the > requested specifications). The advantage of a new server is that is setup > to use ldap/puppet, which ma

Re: Will you take the AOO Community Survey?

2013-04-11 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/11 Rob Weir : > It's a good tools. Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffi

Re: subscribe to mailing list

2013-04-13 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/13 Sergey Ovsyuk : > i wish subscribe to mailing list Welcome ! You send email to: Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands,

Our IRC channel

2013-04-16 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi Sorry to reopen this discussion existing [0] [1]. 0 - 1 -

Compile AOO on Debian

2013-04-16 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I doing to build AOO in Debian. I'm following these steps as the tutorial [1], and when it arrives "./bootstrap" does not recognize this command to be concluded. 1 - Begin here [2]. 2 - http://wiki.openoffice.or

Re: Compile AOO on Debian

2013-04-16 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/16 Claudio Filho : > Hi Hi Claudio. :-) > Bino, you don't need run bootstrap if you already have epm and dmake > installed in your system. In Debian, we have both packages as well. Install > they and jump to next step. You could instruct me better ? Albino --

Volunteers from Brazil ?

2013-04-16 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi We have volunteers: programmers, l10n, QA, etc, of AOO in Brazil, here ? #research #statics Albino

Re: Volunteers from Brazil ?

2013-04-16 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/16 Albino B Neto : > We have volunteers: programmers, l10n, QA, etc, of AOO in Brazil, here ? Have an mailing in pt-br. Subscribe: Alb

Re: [CODE]: useless teste.txt file in svn

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/17 Jürgen Schmidt : > Hi, Hi > I notice a new file in trunk/teste.txt which seems to be a test file. > Can I propose that we don't check in such files please and that this > file gets removed. I file is mime. I was doing a test in svn [1]. 1 -

Re: [CODE]: useless teste.txt file in svn

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/17 Jürgen Schmidt : > I notice a new file in trunk/teste.txt which seems to be a test file. The file removed. ;-) Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [CODE][PROPOSAL]: AOO 4.0 getting rid of the 3 layer office, part 1

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/16 Claudio Filho : > Sorry by my newbie understanding about the question. I am studing the > requeriment to build into debian way, getting many "problems" to bring the > code to be "debianized", breaking in some parts (at this moment in > pdfimport module) and to know more about this questio

Re: Compile AOO on Debian

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi Is going right. :-) Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

[Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I am compiling the AOO on Debian amd64, and is showing me this error: == ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /home/albino/projetos/aoo/source/main/sw/prj When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by running: build --all:sw == I can't find solution.

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/17 Albino B Neto : > When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build > by running: > > build --all:sw When I running command "buid --all:sw", look: == build -- version: 275224 Cannot determine source directory/repository for /home/albi

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/17 Pavel Janík : > cd sw > build Look [1]. Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-17 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I did it all again, look[1]. 1 - Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Official survey service? (Was: Re: Conversation: Pick A Logo)

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Claudio Filho : > Hi Hi. >> Where would like to point to ? > > Direct to point, Janl. ;-) > > We can redirect the domain to your server, Rob, and after to migrate > to Apache servers when possible. +1 Albino --

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann : > But regarding the removed Slot FN_PROPERTY_WRAP_DLG perform a clean build of > module sw: > - cd sw > - make clean > - build I am trying this. :-) And is running now the command "build --all:sw", on directory "main/instsetoo_native" Albino --

Re: test aoo4

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Sylvain DENIS : > Problem with installation debian-menus This bug [1]. 1 - Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Albino B Neto : > And is running now the command "build --all:sw", on directory > "main/instsetoo_native" More error [1]. 1 - I ran the command, but, still show error. Albino --

[PROPOSAL] AOO forum in pt-br

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I would like to propose a forum PT-BR[1]. 1 - We have a general geral-ptbr@, but it would be an interesting forum also. But I think it would be an option for us, as there is in Brazil users who prefer it. I can be adm/mod. Albino --

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Pavel Janík : > Paste more so we see the actual error and not the message that there is an > error in instsetoo_native ;-) Sorry :-P Look: Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubsc

Re: Make x Dmake x Build (Was: Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64)

2013-04-19 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 janI : > So I should have written "dont try to understand it, just accept it", > actually someone else in here said something similar to me a couple of > month ago. I would like read. :-) Albino - To unsubscribe, e

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-19 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 Pavel Janík : > I change the epm for version 3.7, but, occorred the same error. I ran back: autoconf; ./configure --with-epm-url= [1]; ./bootstrap; 1 - cd main/instsetoo_native;

Re: [PROPOSAL] AOO forum in pt-br

2013-04-19 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/18 RGB ES : > Why not a generic Portuguese forum instead of a Brazilian focused one? The > Spanish forum, for example, covers all Spain and Latin American users. > Also, a better time-zone coverage helps to fight spam ;) The problem is with the language Portuguese Brazil have many complex i

Re: openoffice|ooffice|office instead soffice?

2013-04-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/23 Claudio Filho : > Hi Hi. > I remember that some time ago started a discuss about the change of > binary name "soffice" (and its others names - scalc, sdraw, etc) by > other that not *s*office, and I not remember the "final of this > novel". +1 > Is possible? IMO, i (as newbie) haven'

Re: [PROPOSAL] AOO forum in pt-br

2013-04-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/19 Albino B Neto : > The problem is with the language Portuguese Brazil have many complex > in its grammar, as the same problem occurred in the creation of > mailing. Create or not ? Albino - To unsubscrib

Re: [PROPOSAL] AOO forum in pt-br

2013-04-24 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/24 Claudio Filho : > Albino, do you can be the moderator of pt forum? Yes ! :-) pt-br. > Maybe more one portuguese volunteer? Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional comm

Re: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Logo Survey now Open!

2013-04-24 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/24 Rob Weir : > Good ! :-) I'm already spreading. Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openof

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-24 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi Continuing to try to build Others erros: == dmake: Error: -- `/home/albino/projetos/aoo/aoo/main/solver/400/' not found, and can't be made 1 module(s): sal need(s) to be rebuilt Reason(s): ERROR: error 65280 occurred

Re: unsubscribe please!

2013-04-25 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/25 CHERYL ANN : > Could you please remove from your mailing list. I do not > use Open Office and don't know why I get several emails daily from users. > Thanks You can send email: Albino --

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-26 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/24 Ariel Constenla-Haile : > Did you read the building guide, before trying to build? If not, please > do so. I read [1]. 1 - > First, why are you building as root? Because, the permission with user was not allowed. > Seco

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-04-26 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/26 Ariel Constenla-Haile : > But you are building on /home/albino, I asume you have access rights in > your $HOME ;) > > To change ownership recursively: > > sudo chown -R albino:albino /home/albino/projetos > > (this assumes there is a group named albino, a common practice in most > Linux d

Re: [Documentation] fr User manuals (unofficial)

2013-04-30 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/4/30 Guy Waterval : > Easy to modify and adapt to personal needs. Based on Apache OpenOffice, > OOo4Kids/OOoLight specific parts clearly marked, simple skip them. And to translate pt-br ? Best, -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software f

Re: introduction

2013-04-30 Thread Albino B Neto
fice Coding Standards > Subscribe also in mailing QA [1], send the email. 1 - Best, -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software < binoanb [at]

Re: [build] source of epm source package no longer available

2013-05-02 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/2 Andre Fischer : >> >> >> But, since we have epm in extras already -- well 3.7. For some reason I >> thought the builds got the packs from extras if the link failed, or is >> this +1 -- Albino B

Re: [build] source of epm source package no longer available

2013-05-02 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/2 Andre Fischer : > There is also the version that we use at the moment: > > it even has the right MD5 checksum so we don't have to change > main/epm/ I also have this, I not has problems more. -- Alb

Re: Results from AOO 4.0 Logo Poll

2013-05-02 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/2 Rob Weir : > The survey ran for a week,and received over 5000 responses. I wrote > up the results, along with some charts, and put them here: > > Good. :-) The Brazil ranked second in country, cool. -- Albino B Net

Re: [RELEASE]: new SNAPSHOT build

2013-05-03 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/3 Ariel Constenla-Haile : > Linux builds are available. Good. ;-) -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software < binoanb [at] gmail [dot] com > Chave GPG: 5ED34354 Key fingerprint = 0DFF 4640 44CD 5935 D0F5 E3DF 4E0F

Re: [build] source of epm source package no longer available

2013-05-05 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/2 Andrea Pescetti : > I've just updated the Building Guide accordingly: > Here also [1]. 1 - -- Al

Re: [Documentation] fr User manuals (unofficial)

2013-05-05 Thread Albino B Neto
seus%2FDocumentation%2FUser%2520Guide%2FInstallationAndUsersGuide_EN.pdf&ei=8aKAUa7GDcGSOIaKgfgO&usg=AFQjCNHWGcfUGgUCPsa2CnVJWbx_Dvd-tg&sig2=U_dS7JsneO6fPvnbDio-fw&bvm=bv.45921128,d.ZWU Tks. :-) -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software

Re: Please Unsubscribe

2013-05-06 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/6 Chery : > Please unsubscribe from all Open Office distribution accounts . > > Or Please send me a list so I can do a blanket Unsubscribe You can send e-mail by: -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software fsfla.orgt

Re: Are you successfully using OpenOffice? Can we quote you on that?

2013-05-06 Thread Albino B Neto
my email ? And so I forward to your email. Or do you think best to send to you directly ? -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software Chave GPG: 5ED34354 Key fingerprint = 0DFF 4640 44CD 5935 D0F5 E3DF 4E0F A597 5ED3 4354 Não tenho

Re: Are you successfully using OpenOffice? Can we quote you on that?

2013-05-06 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/6 Rob Weir : > Email me directly, please. Ok. I sent for the medias here. :-) -- Albino B Neto Debian GNU/Linux | FSFLA | Free Software Chave GPG: 5ED34354 Key fingerprint = 0DFF 4640 44CD 5935 D0F5 E3DF 4E0F A597 5ED3 4354 Não te

Re: [RELEASE]: Updated AOO 4.0 po files

2013-05-07 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/7 Jürgen Schmidt : > The old and new Pootle server are not yet updated but I expect that we > can do that asap and then the new Pootle server (thanks to Jan) should > come into the game. Good ! I am wating the server for upload translations here. :-)

Re: Start AOO 4.0 Full Regression Test

2013-05-07 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/7 Shenfeng Liu : > Now we have the latest dev snapshot build here: > Good. I go the do download that. * I am trying just do compilation on Debian amd64 * o.O >

Re: Start AOO 4.0 Full Regression Test

2013-05-08 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/7 Shenfeng Liu : > Now we have the latest dev snapshot build here: > I need remove old snapshot installation here, or installation under ? Albino -

Re: Are you successfully using OpenOffice? Can we quote you on that?

2013-05-09 Thread Albino B Neto
Em 6 de maio de 2013 19:23, Albino B Neto escreveu: > 2013/5/6 Rob Weir : >> Email me directly, please. Here:

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-05-10 Thread Albino B Neto
> I am doing all again, downloading svn, compilation, etc. Now is building Others...others errors for compile: Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openof

Re: [WWW]The AOO blog gives a "502 Bad Gateway" error

2013-05-10 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/10 Rob Weir : > I wonder whether it worth looking at putting Wordpress onto a VM and > using that, maybe mapping it to I use WordPress > on my personal blog and with caching enabled I've withstood several > Slashdot'ed posts without going down. So it can handle the loa

Re: Openoffice

2013-05-13 Thread Albino B Neto
Em 13 de maio de 2013 14:29, Rodrigo Oscar Novaes do Baixo escreveu: > Eu gostaria de saber de voces quando vai lançar a nova versão 4.0 do > Openoffice. Bem vindo ! :-) Inscreva-se a lista português do Brasil, assim poderemos conversar em pt-br. É só enviar um email em branco para esse endereço

Re: [Error] Compile AOO on Debian amd64

2013-05-15 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi Now is with others error, different: -- Albino B Neto Chave GPG: 5ED34354 Twitter: @binoanb - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For

Writing script for compilation AOO on GNU/Linux

2013-05-17 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I am writing a script [1] for compilation AOO on GNU/Linux. 1 - It's still very fresh and needs several improvements. I started yesterday. -- Albino B Neto Chav

Re: Writing script for compilation AOO on GNU/Linux

2013-05-17 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/17 Albino B Neto : > I am writing a script [1] for compilation AOO on GNU/Linux. > 1 - I accepted feedbacks. :-) -- Albino B Neto Chave GPG: 5E

Re: error building pen office on ubuntu

2013-05-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/18 Winman Software : > svn co > aoo-trunk > cd aoo-trunk/main svn co aoo Read:

Update wiki for steps of building AOO

2013-05-18 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi This tip in steps to build AOO wiki [1] is in need of updating. 1 - Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoff

Re: ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making home//aoo/main/svx/prj

2013-05-18 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/17 jorge ivan poot diaz : > > I'm building on Ubuntu. Could show error complete ? All lines of build. Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail:

Re: Presentation about AOO 4.0

2013-05-19 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/18 Juergen Schmidt : > Many more things that are not so visible and we have to collect and document > these things for the final release notes. But we don't want make it to easy > for LO to cherry pick ;-) No I am joking they are invited to take our code > when they publicly say where it

Re: Update wiki for steps of building AOO

2013-05-19 Thread Albino B Neto
Yeah! I did one update on page, but need of more. Albino B Neto Envio via Mobile Em 18/05/2013 13:45, "Andrea Pescetti" escreveu: > janI wrote: > >> On 18 May 2013 13:58, Albino B Neto wrote: >> >>> This tip in step

Re: hi I need open office cd/dvd

2013-05-20 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/19 Kenneth Lill : > Can you please send a copy of open office to me I will help an old lady to > use this, she dosent have internet to load it home an we live a long way > apart so I will send the cd/dvd and help here install open office through > telephone.. You can do the download [1] and

Update of pages oo.o credits

2013-05-20 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi This pages about credits of members [1], were did the last updated: 2010-11-15, long time. 1 - Think need update. I has read in others emails for a list of volunteers, could improvements here also. Albino --

Re: Update of pages oo.o credits

2013-05-21 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/20 Claudio Filho : > IMHO, I think that the best is put a "cut line" and to restart this > list, e.g., preserve this as a old page and in this new page putting a > link to it. +1 > In other hand, i think that is a good time to list other contributions > like in wiki, infra and other fronts

Re: error in svx/source/svdraw/svdmrkv

2013-05-21 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/21 Andrea Pescetti : > On 21/05/2013 Pavel Janík wrote: >> Shouldn't we somehow delete incubator SVN tree? > > Not until 3.4.1 (which was released from the incubator and still contains > references to the incubator) is our stable version. But I would support > doing it when we release 4.0.

Re: [RELEASE][TRANSLATION]: last update on UI project triggers again some reviews and changes

2013-05-22 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/22 RGB ES : >> Working on the ES pootle ;) >> > > Now, it's 100% again ;) Cool. We are working. :-D Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands

Re: Is 3.4.1 still "incubating"?

2013-05-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/23 Andrea Pescetti : > On 22/05/2013 Juergen Schmidt wrote: >> >> Please, nobody should spend any time on this. It's not worth the effort. > > > I've seen other people confused by this, so I've just added a note to > specify why the filen

Re: Just an FYI! BZ OpenOffice seems to be down at the moment...

2013-05-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/23 Kay Schenk : > Hopefully we'll get it back soon. :/ ?? Sorry. Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: svn git setup instructions.

2013-05-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/23 Regina Henschel : > Ariel is the expert here. But perhaps some sites help you, which I have > bookmarked: > > > > http://trac.par

Re: email program

2013-05-23 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/20 Mechtilde : > Am 20.05.2013 06:45, schrieb Leonie Eastergaard: >> Hi does open office have a email program > > There is a free (as in freedom) E-Mal program named thunderbird from the > Mozilla Foundation. Or icedove. Albino

Re: svn git setup instructions.

2013-05-24 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/24 Jürgen Schmidt : > for me it looks more that we use svn for only practical reasons, it is > the main repository system at the ASF. Some other projects have migrated > to git already and use git for their normal work. Me too. > The whole discussion shows that we should think about a migr

Re: Update of pages oo.o credits

2013-05-26 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/26 Andrea Pescetti : > 1) Preserve the link, move to > and move/copy > to > +1 No more.

Re: [RELEASE]: translation deadline June 18th latest

2013-05-28 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/28 Jürgen Schmidt : > I proposed a deadline of June 14th but had to correct myself because I > am not available form June 14-17 and it seems that I again will be the > bottleneck. I think we should defer to the 20th. But it depends on the demand of the devs for the end of snapshots.

Re: Next steps for AOO 4.0 Logo Selection

2013-05-29 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/27 Rob Weir : > That's where we are now. The updated logos (three of them) are on the wiki > now: > > > > As you can see there is quite a bit of convergence on a design occurring. > > So what next? > > I'd like to

Re: Update of pages oo.o credits

2013-05-30 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/28 Kay Schenk : > * copying the old credits.html to credits-ooo33.html > * revising credits.html with the same info we have on > Thank you ! :-) Albino - To un

Re: Guillermo

2013-05-30 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/5/30 Guillermo Calzada : > Hi, good afternoon; my name is Guillermo Calzada, im From México, I´m > studying Telemathics Engineer. Welcome ! > I'm interested in sofware opensource and i want to participate in it. > Alexandro is helping me to get started. I read here: https://openoffice.apac

Re: [RELEASE]: new snapshot build based on trunk revision 1488886

2013-06-03 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/6/3 Jürgen Schmidt : > I would like to propose a new snapshot build based on trunk revision > 146 (related snapshot tag revision 148). +1 Albino - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openo

Re: Apache OpenOffice Building Guide

2013-06-04 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/6/3 Guillermo Calzada : > the problem is that when i use it it gives me back a error that says that > the ./bootstrap doesnt exist... Run the command: souce ?? Ex. if your distro x86_64: source Albino --

Re: Apache OpenOffice Building Guide

2013-06-05 Thread Albino B Neto
2013/6/5 Kay Schenk : > Please also see the old Linux specific build page for some additional > configuration that you may want to use: > > The packages too. ;-) Albino

Re: new logo on test website

2013-06-14 Thread Albino B Neto
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Kay Schenk wrote: > A quick mockup of the new logo with is available from: > > I like change. :-) - -- Albino B Neto Software Livre Evangelista binoa

Re: Introduction

2013-06-14 Thread Albino B Neto - -- Albino B Neto < > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJRu6SeAAoJEKKu5IjHmpTP8lMP/0

Re: INFO: I will be offline for 4 days and will come up with a updated pr new proposed release schedule next week

2013-06-14 Thread Albino B Neto
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Jürgen Schmidt wrote: > Next week I will concentrate on getting a clear overview where we are > with AOO 4.0 and will propose a new release schedule for review. So good. - -- Albino B Neto < > -BEGIN P

PT-BR translation Completed !

2013-06-15 Thread Albino B Neto
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi The translation Portuguese Brazil is completed for version 4.0. :-) - -- Albino B Neto < > -BEG

Re: [RELEASE]:_ new snapshot build based on trunk rev 1491858

2013-06-16 Thread Albino B Neto
ated here: >> > > My hero!!! \o/ Good. ;-) - -- Albino B Neto < > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iQIc

Re: Idea: Public beta program for AOO 4.1?

2013-06-16 Thread Albino B Neto
time ago. - -- Albino B Neto < > -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJRvcfzAAoJEKKu5IjHmpTPWi4P/1TNwya52c7XeGajY9AClBgg gTlcAO+AqUMb642uy1jdc01e3bxELZumfVVFAONrbOIihR0ya

Re: My Photos in ApacheCon Europe 2012

2012-11-09 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 4:28 AM, imacat wrote: > My photos in the ApacheCon Europe 2012 > > Thanks. :) -- Albino

Domain ApacheCon.Br

2012-11-10 Thread Albino B Neto
Hi I have permission of create domain for future ApacheCon Brazil ? I couldn´t created event in Brazil, creating the domain is easier to one day be made this event here. -- Albino

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