依瑪貓 imacat ^_*'
PGP Key http://www.imacat.idv.tw/me/pgpkey.asc
旅舍依瑪 http://www.imacat.idv.tw/ 《女聲》電子報 http://www.wov.idv.tw/
台灣女子自由軟體工作小組 http://www.wofoss.org/
OpenOffice http://www.openoffice.org/
EducOO/OOo4Kids台灣 http://www.educoo.tw/
Greenfoot 台灣社群
at as well? Or do we need one cert per subdomain?
>>>> for some reason there seems to be resistence against wildcard cert, even
>>>> though apache.org is a wildcard.
>>>> latest news is that the https discussion has been