Did you talk about "@pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram !" flood?
Seems to be an account issue with same username/password
PhpBB don't prevent this.
Only solution is to increase the password lenght to 8
- Mail original -
> De: casa...@e
Thanks for the reply, but if I increase the number of characters, what happens
to the thousands of passwords that already exist?
- Messaggio originale -
Da: "Bidouille"
A: "dev"
Inviato: Lunedì, 30 gennaio 2023 11:46:18
Oggetto: Re: Spam the AOO forums
Did you talk about "@pump_upp - b
I did some tests, the two hacked accounts did not have the same
- Messaggio originale -
Da: "casalva"
A: "dev"
Inviato: Lunedì, 30 gennaio 2023 17:42:02
Oggetto: Re: Spam the AOO forums
Thanks for the reply, but if I increase the number of characters, what happens