Hi Damjan,
First with what C++ Standard do you build?
I have seen strange errors if you build with the wrong standard.
All the best
Am 23.08.22 um 02:58 schrieb Damjan Jovanovic:
--with-system-boost and boost-libs version 1.80.0, fails in the vcl
module in a lengthy error pasted l
I found a note that we package the build log (which is 20 Megabytes.)
It is at least since 4.1.10 Part of the source release and in 4.1.13 it
is the build log for MacOSx.
You find the build log in main/build.log [1]
Do we do this on purpose? - Can we remove it in future?
All the best
Linux and FreeBSD have always used the "gnu++98" standard:
openoffice-git/main]$ grep '\-std' solenv -R
solenv/inc/unxfbsd.mk:CFLAGSCXX= -pipe $(ARCH_FLAGS) -std=gnu++98
solenv/inc/unxlng.mk:CFLAGSCXX= -pipe $(ARCH_FLAGS) -std=gnu++98
solenv/gbuild/platform/freebsd.mk: -std=gnu++98 \