With Python 2 EOL as of 1 January 2020, we have little choice but to move
to Python 3.
After a lot of hard work by me and Pedro, both of us relatively unfamiliar
with Python, I am happy to report that using a system-provided Python 3 in
Apache OpenOffice now works.
The UNO/Python bridge and t
Le 25/01/2020 à 00:52, Matthias Seidel a écrit :
Hi Marcus,
Am 25.01.20 um 00:41 schrieb Marcus:
I've no idea about how font are working. Wasn't there a helpful user
with a fixed font or similar in the forums?
Yes, that was an older version of OpenSymbol "hacked" as a workaround.
But I fear t
Hi Damjan, Hi Pedro,
Thank you for your work and the helpful explanation.
BTW: I could make the "edit" button clickable for Python scripts by
setting ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG to TRUE in [1], but it never brought up an
editor or something similar.
On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 1:38 PM Matthias Seidel
> Hi Damjan, Hi Pedro,
> Thank you for your work and the helpful explanation.
Pleasure :)
> BTW: I could make the "edit" button clickable for Python scripts by
> setting ENABLE_EDIT_DIALOG to TRUE in [1], but it never brought up an
For the record, I only did a small "scotch tape" fix, the heavy lifting
was done by Damjan. My public thanks to him as this is likely to save
AOO from deprecation (at least in FreeBSD).
I think in the future we may move to tauthon, as an interim step before
Python 3:
I have just finished downloaded win 10, when I discovered that I had no
access to Mic. Excel any more. As I have Open office on another
computer, I decided to use your Excel-programme instead. I found very
soon, that your programme could not be downloaded; in fact no page at
all could be
Hi all,
In main/external_deps.lst we define
https://sourceforge.net/projects/oooextras.mirror/files/ as fallback for
a lot of files.
However, most of them were never uploaded (after updating the
dependencies in source).
Can someone with the appropriate rights please do so?
It is most likely a temporary problem with the local site Sourceforge is
redirecting you to.
You can try downloading later or from a different mirror.
You can always download directly from the Apache website
e.g. for English US for the Windows OS you should get