I have just uploaded a 2019-05-01b OXT because in the previous one I
forgot to change the date of GB in the description.
Could someone publish it?
Kind regards,
>Marco A.G.Pinto
Also, in the same folder, for null_mask.h and null_curs.h, the older version is
nullmask_width, nullcurs_height, etc.
In the newest version, it is changed to null_mask_width, etc. but it does not
seem that other part of code is changed as well. Removing the underline seems
to fix the whole prob
I have encountered a problem when building the project.
In main/vcl/inc/unx/x11_cursors/ase_mask.h the last line seems to be lost due
to last commit.
Modify it accordingly with the last version fix the problem.
Fisher Shen
Hi Fisher Shen,
Thanks for your finding, it should be corrected now.
Am 29.04.19 um 17:39 schrieb Shen, Xinyu:
> Also, in the same folder, for null_mask.h and null_curs.h, the older version
> is nullmask_width, nullcurs_height, etc.
> In the newest version, it is changed
Problem description Exchange this text to describe the problem
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navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
I've downloaded a second ago and haven't seen a problem. So, in general
it's working.
When you have problems with specific mirror servers then just change
them. On the SourceForge webpage there is a grey "Problems Downloading?"
button. Just click on it and choose a different mirror from the po
I have build successfully but when I ran the install, there are problems:
shenx@shenx-VirtualBox:/source/aoo-trunk/main/instsetoo_native$ sudo dpkg -i
(Reading database ...
You might find some useful advice in
On 30/4/19 9:56 am, Shen, Xinyu wrote:
I have build successfully but when I ran the install, there are problems: