There is an issue with Search and returning topics. To reproduce:
Go to advanced search
Enter a search term(s) - I used spell check error
Scroll down and choose Display results as: Topics
Leave all other settings and click Search
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Expression #1 of ORDE
For testing purposes - is the test site
configured to _not_ send notifications in response to mod actions such
as banning, disapproving posts etc?
I'll test some of those functions as long as I can be sure I'm not
sending a spray of un-needed notifications.
On 27/11
There is no special configuration. It should send normal email / notifications.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 28, 2018, at 12:22 AM, David Robley wrote:
> For testing purposes - is the test site configured
> to _not_ send notifications in response to mod actions such
I confirm this issue in Italian forum.
Il 28/11/18 09:15, David Robley ha scritto:
There is an issue with Search and returning topics. To reproduce:
Go to advanced search
Enter a search term(s) - I used spell check error
Scroll down and choose Display results as: Topics
Leave all
Hi -
This issue should now be resolved.
> On Nov 28, 2018, at 2:16 AM, Carlo Salvagno
> wrote:
> I confirm this issue in Italian forum.
> ciao
> charlie
> Il 28/11/18 09:15, David Robley ha scritto:
>> There is an issue with Search and returning topics. To reproduc
Hi, I confirm that it has been solved.
Il 28/11/18 19:02, Dave Fisher ha scritto:
Hi -
This issue should now be resolved.
On Nov 28, 2018, at 2:16 AM, Carlo Salvagno wrote:
I confirm this issue in Italian forum.
Il 28/11/18 09:15, David Roble
Hi George,
I echo what Andrea writes. I am currently migrating the OpenOffice forums to
new VMs and then need to plan additional upgrades.
I was the one who did the bulk of the Apache CMS work with and
understand exactly how the pages are built from templates and css. When I have