Re: [vote] OpenOffice Release Candidate 4.1.6 RC1 - Vote resolution

2018-11-10 Thread Peter Kovacs
Thanks for your efforts and participation. It is no issue if you are early or late. Important is that you believe in the release. We have following test results: *Who* *Passed**Binding* *Windows* * * *Linunx** * *MacOs* * * *Language Attenti

Re: [vote] OpenOffice Release Candidate 4.1.6 RC1

2018-11-10 Thread Hagar Delest
Le 09/11/2018 à 17:39, Matthias Seidel a écrit : Hi Jim, Am 08.11.18 um 16:42 schrieb Jim Jagielski: Could we/Should we have some of us tweet that 4.1.6-RC1 is available and "ask" people to try it out...? I posted it on Google+ a while ago... Regards,    Matthias Posted in the English fo