French forum has some rewriting rules.
jump to
These don't work anymmore.
- Mail original -
> De: "Dave Fisher"
> À:
> Envoyé: Vendre
Dave! good afternoon.
Thank you for your reply.
I'm also a volunteer.
Earlier I actively participated in the project. I signed an agreement with SUN
about the transfer of rights and my name was in 2.x-3.x About -
CTRL + SDT: "Alexey Harlamenkov".
I created a wiki section: https:
Hi Aleksey,
The opening of a forum is not an easy thing. Basically we need to have a core
team ready to perform the admin and moderation tasks required to prevent spam
and sustain a good level of support to users.
I propose you register the English forum and open a discussion for that.
Le 23/06/2018 à 00:06, Dave Fisher a écrit :
It looks like the posts with missing content have quote callouts. I’ll have to
dig into these.
Indeed, good catch.
The [quote] and [code] BBCode have the same effect.
The [edit] and [rel] BBCode do not show up but they do not blank the whole pos
I registered.
My nickname: a.harlamenkov
In which section of the forum is it correct to open a topic about the opening
of the Russian forum?
Sincerely, Dr. h. c.,
Alexey Evgenievich Kharlamenkov
Hi Hagar,
> Basically we need to have the core team ready to perform the admin and
> moderation tasks necessary to prevent spam and sustain a good level of
> support to users.
It was these duties that I carried out for 6 years in the Russian forum. At the
same time I worked with the wiki.