Hi all
I just updated Java 8 and got a notification saying
"You have successfully installed Java.
Important Information about Oracle Java SE Roadmap:
Changes are coming which will impact your access to future releases of
Java SE from Oracle. Corporate users will be impacted as soon as
January 201
I read that as only referring to the Java 8 SE binaries specifically.
If I'm reading this right, users using a Java 9 or Java 10 SDK will
still be fine. That just means we have an onus on us to make sure
things work with the latest versions of the SDK.
This message optimized for indexing b
It sounds quite confusing. I think it refers to the point that java 8 will drop
out of support 2020.
Damjan is already get our code Java 9 ready. So 4.2.0 will have Java 9 support.
Am 20. April 2018 17:55:24 MESZ schrieb Phillip Rhodes
>I read that as only referring to the Java 8 SE binarie
> It sounds quite confusing. I think it refers to the point that java 8 will
> drop out of support 2020.
> Damjan is already get our code Java 9 ready. So 4.2.0 will have Java 9
> support.
According to this page
Java 9 is already dead
On Fri, Apr 20, 2018, 11:27 AM Pedro Lino wrote:
> Hi all
> If I understand the notice correctly this will not be a problem for
> personal use at home but all OpenOffice features requiring Java can not be
> used within a company unless the company buys a Java license...
> I hope I misundersto
der Download von 4.1.5 + 4.1.4 via Firefox bricht ab.
Auf mirror.netcologne existiert gar kein OpenOffice-verz., und auf
ist es leer
Download stops.
mirror.netcologne dont have a openoffice dir,
Am 20.04.2018 um 17:16 schrieb Holger Henning:
der Download von 4.1.5 + 4.1.4 via Firefox bricht ab.
Auf mirror.netcologne existiert gar kein OpenOffice-verz., und auf
ist es leer
Download stops.
mirror.netcologne dont have a open
On 04/20/2018 07:06 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> People reading something, jumping to conclusions, and freaking out. Move
> along, nothing to see here...
Given the Appeals Court ruling of 2018-03-27, corporations have reason
to be extremely cautious about their use of JAVA.
Not just JAVA, but s