Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Leandro Leite
Problem description Exchange this text to describe the problem (What does not work? What do you expect?) Browser variables Values navigator.appCodeName Mozilla navigator.appName Netscape navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome

Re: Extensions website outage

2018-03-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti
Dave Brondsema wrote: and are back up. Thanks for your patience. Thanks! Sites are indeed back and pages are shown correctly. Still, users are reporting that they cannot download extensions so I guess this is not fixed yet,

Re: Extensions website outage

2018-03-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti
Andrea Pescetti wrote: Thanks! Sites are indeed back and pages are shown correctly. Still, users are reporting that they cannot download extensions so I guess this is not fixed yet, right? I mean, the pages are displayed but the files are not available for download yet. Answering myself: a fe

Re: Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Leandro Sourceforge is currently having some problems. You can download directly from the Apache server Hope this helps, Pedro

Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Shawn Boudreau
Problem description Exchange this text to describe the problem (What does not work? What do you expect?) Browser variables Values navigator.appCodeName Mozilla navigator.appName Netscape navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome

Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Patrick Ko
Problem description >From sourceforge:"Oh snap! We can't process this request. " (What does not work? What do you expect?) Browser variables Values navigator.appCodeName Mozilla navigator.appName Netscape navigator.appVersion 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (K

Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Unknown
Can't download. Gives error:  A 500 error has occurred.  Oh snap! We can't process this request. Report a Broken Page Browse Projects Problem description Exchange this text to describe the problem (What does not work? What do you expect?) Browser variables Values navigator.appCodeName Mozi

Reporting broken download link

2018-03-04 Thread Alpay BİLGİÇ
Windows 10 için Posta ile gönderildi

Win64 port started, and how building 32 bit AOO on Win64 could break soon

2018-03-04 Thread Damjan Jovanovic
Hi I've begun the long overdue task of porting AOO to 64 bit Windows. With my changes so far, oowintool can now detect (the 64 bit only) Java 1.9, dmake can now compile in Cygwin64, ./configure and ./bootstrap complete successfully, and (with uncommitted patches) both dmake and gbuild modules man

Re: Win64 port started, and how building 32 bit AOO on Win64 could break soon

2018-03-04 Thread Patricia Shanahan
On 3/4/2018 7:41 PM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote: ... While the progress I've made [in 1 weekend ;-)] is impressive, I imagine a full port to Win64 will be long (assembly language development for the Win64 UNO bridge, code audit for long <-> pointer conversions which work on *nix64 but not on Win64),

Re: Win64 port started, and how building 32 bit AOO on Win64 could break soon

2018-03-04 Thread Damjan Jovanovic
If important contributors like Patricia are going to stop contributing in the interim if the 64->32 bit cross compiling goes away, then it's a bad idea. If I do the work in a separate branch, we lose the benefit of broader testing of the 32 bit build with the changes during the port, and could hav