English Dictionaries updated - 1-MAR-2016

2016-02-27 Thread Marco A.G.Pinto
Hello! I have updated the English Dictionaries which can be downloaded from: http://extensions.openoffice.org/en/project/english-dictionaries-apache-openoffice Or you can wait a few days until AOO triggers it. Changes: *MAGP 2016-03-01** ** **Updated the Dictionaries:** **- British (Marco A.G.P

Re: MLA Format for students

2016-02-27 Thread V Stuart Foote
MLA is one of thousands of referencing formats. Unreasonable to push one over another for ODF support. Instead, *Zotero* or *Mendeley* projects or even Thompson-Reuters *EndNote* provide functional support for both Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice ODF documents. http://www.zotero.org/ http://www