Just to inform everyone that I have updated the English Dictionaries.
Manual download link:
Noticed that I skipped the previous version because a new AOO was being
So, the news is:
MAGP 2015-1
Infra is okay with us using 'org.openoffice' as the groupId so that is
what I've requested.
On 11/29/2015 07:39 AM, Carl Marcum wrote:
Hi Pedro,
comment below.
On 11/29/2015 12:54 AM, Pedro Giffuni wrote:
(Sorry if you get this twice, I forgot to send the original from my
apache addres
As most of you probably know FOSDEM 2016 (the biggest,
100% free open source developer conference) is right
around the corner:
We hope to have an ASF booth and we would love to see as
many ASF projects as possible present at various tracks
(AKA Developer rooms):